Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering

Like many of you, I have been pondering purchasing these speakers but am very curious about the unusual tweeter array. I asked the smartest speaker person that I know (he is a student of Sean Olive) about the design and below is what he had to say.   

"In theory it could work, but the driver spacing means that the crossover point would need to be very low.
He is using the SB acoustics tweeter which is 72mm in diameter, center to center on the outside opposing drivers is around 5.7 inches, which is about 2400Hz. This means that combing would stop between 1/4 to 1/2 of the wavelength (between 1200-600Hz) is where the outside tweeters should start playing nice with each other.
Since he is not using low enough crossover points he has created a comb filtering monster. Now while it's not the great point source that was promised, it's no worse than most line arrays and the combing will average itself out given enough listening distance.

The MTM spacing on the other hand is ridiculous. Hopefully he is cutting the top end off on one of those midrange drivers to avoid combing."


Showing 23 responses by missioncoonery

  If not mistaken Mcintosh uses a similar looking approach.The tweeters in the DI are very inexpensive,assuming to keep cost down but until I see a break down of what this speaker does,,,
I found it very informative...and I will add that yes a group of guys are stomping their feet in praise of the double impact speaker on this site...npt so much ekse
Sorry my phone speaks for itself...what I was trying to say was not so much on other sites...for me the fact that Tecton hasn't posted any pertinent info using only the same verbage on each speaker,the lack of quality drivers used makes me take pause with scepticism 
Kenny...You took a cheap shot at me,totally uncool.I apologized for my phone and its ability to change words.I agree that its how a speaker performs in ones own room,and yes Ive never heard this line of speakers.Call that a disqualifier if you will.The original poster has a legit argument and I thought it was well conveyed,certainly not a waste of time.Having said that from what Ive read(not on this site obviously) that a few things speak loudly..the Double impact fell on its face at the LA show according to most,it has cheap tweeters and drivers,the cabinet is cheap and its visual look is one of a DIY,they have no retail outlets for consumers to audition,they have no customer support really outside if you don't like them send them back,most that have reviewed them say they are good speakers "for the money"but certainly not 30K busters...so I guess im not drinking the Kenny kool aid right now
seanheis1...This reminds me of Trump supporters who watch only Fox news insisting hes the best there has even been..Id try another site
and we audition them where,.oooh wait,im sorry.....buy them,unpack a 100 pound speaker,set it up..if it sounds like crap, repack,,,send them back for $300-500 out of pocket shipping cost...yep, I think ill do that
I've never paid a 40% markup,if you do find another dealer.I've never met an online only dealer that will come to my home and help with setup.I've never met an online dealer that will allow me to bring my amp or what ever gear in and hook it up.I've never met an online only dealer help me with issues if something goes a miss...on and on.I like to support a local stereo shop if they have great customer service .True,every one is different.....Now, if I buy a pair of speakers for 7k on the used market most likely Im getting speakers that are over 20 grand new . I know what these speakers sound like as I've done my research and listening. When selling i'm recouping my money,that's why we buy used.Ive never lost money buying used as a matter of fact Ive always made money after listening to them for a couple years.I hate to say it but for me your arguments don't hold water.....but thats just me.Having said that if Tekton had dealer support ,I could actually listen to them and liked what I heard,sure id be a player.
Don't call him...who the heck are you to say that.Are you an employee of tekton? Hate to tell ya my friend but my guess is anyone including myself will call if and when we want

I know the DI speaker quite well,
I have upgraded every part in the crossovers except the coil on the woofers.

I know every crossover point from testing and confirming the points with the crossover design.

I have upgraded all 4 10 inch woofers to a better match for me.Enter your text ...

 Just curious, if the DI sound so great why all the changes..changing out all the woofers and upgrading completely the crossovers.What didn't you like,missing or want to hear ,and what drivers did you go with

So doing the math...$3000 for the DIs...$300 for ungraded version..$500 for paint..$260ish for new woofers,I undersrand you bought flawed finish but if one was to order them today ,basically 4 grand...Why did you stay with eminence,was it simple because of a direct size fit..have to say I consider them, well junk..Did you think about trying better drivers or did you want to stay in a price range.Its appearing to me these speakers are a project DYI,I've upgraded speakers before but normally vintage stuff like caps etc,never something new 

There is as  I understand a Double Impact "SE" version that uses all Scanspeak drivers in place of the standard drivers. This model is 6000.00 dollars so presumably the Scanspeak drivers are much more expensive,,,,

I didn't see this on the site but I would like to hear this setup

I guess I was confused.The Tekton website states their speakers are giant killers replacing 30k speakers .Im thinkiing Vivid ,TidaL,Lumenwhite,Kharma,Marten on and on.Even a poster here said he had 30k to spend and bought the DIs.....and now your saying these are midfi intended for home theater?

"My guess is that the Brilliance is geared more towards 2 channel in a medium room and the DI is more geared towards larger rooms and home theater"...

LIghten up Bullitt,Im just asking is this what were are now discussing of have been . I was under the impression these speakers were giant killers replacing 30K speakers

I stand corrected.Having said that I dont know Odyssey or Kismet but I certainly wouldnt call the 804s as high end.

"I honestly would rather read a review on the Electron speaker and or the DI monitor speaker,that would be much closer to the DI's"

 I agree with you,lets see a review of these DIs in a stereo mag not some  home theater with all the specs fleshed out.Since we cant hear them without buying them seems that would be the way to go.Could and guessing would make us "30k killer" non believers shut up and go buy them.

Eric.....If you have few buyers returning speakers then why don't you simply take them back on your dime.If what you say is true seems a no brainer as that's one of your stumbling blocks with me.I would also like to see reputable stereo mags review what you offer.Seems like a positive way to convince those on the fence.
Bullitt....If Tekton has very little returns according to the maker then why not offer the product with no cost to ship back to the buyer.If not mistaken one pays for them up front or am I mistaken..the company send speakers without being paid for them,Id say that's an intent to purchase,How is that an abuse to purchase?lol..is that the best you have,reeeeally.

"I'm a big Tekton Fanboy! But discoursing wit folks like 213runnin is huge waste of time, he is a Troll. Best, mikirob"

 I find the 10 or 15 guys that are screaming their heads off over and over and over how great Tekton is ,is a major turn off.Personally I found what the designer /owner of Tekton wrote on this site made him come across as someone I would never do business with,BS and full of himself.The speakers IMO do looks like something I would make in my little wood shop.Even if they sounded good thats a disqualifer for me as Im not looking at that in my audio room  everyday.The drivers used are cheap or cheaper.The line fell on its face at the Los Angeles show.The specs (what little there are) are uuum average at best.You cant even go directly to Tekton to audition because they have no listening show room,thats comical.The attacks of Tenton are only brought on by their claims "people trade in 30K speakers to buy these"..oooh yea,I believe that.To say all other speaker designs are now obsolete,pure hogwash.IMO the maker has brought a lot of this on himself but to call a member of this forum a troll simply because hes not buying the BS Tekton is dishing is shamefull