Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers


Class d is all I have used with my di's,
nc400,bel canto ref600m,and red dragon s500 with outstanding results.The di's are very versatile you could use about any quality amp you would like.

I only have 1 tube amp left after years of using tubes,I have a Yamamoto a09 which is a 300b and I have a modwright kwa100se,I haven't tried either one with the DI's and the only reason I have kept them is I have way more money in upgrades in them then I could ever sale them for.


+1 on @kdude66 's point on versatility and pairings.

I haven't heard of (or remember of) one amp from any of the Double Impact owners across various forums that has been problematic in terms of pairing with and driving the Double Impacts. 

No Hypex nCore (that I am aware of) in my units, but they are all solid state amps and have worked very well paired with the Double Impacts. NAD M27. Moon 330A. SST/W4S SoA mk2. Exogal Ion.
I plan on starting a home theater system from scratch, and the reviews on the DIs are so good (and they fall within my budget) that I have settled on them. I don't know that tube amps are what I am interested in for various reasons including having young children, however the reviews I have read regarding the Hypex nCore based amps make them sound like a good alternative to a tube amp.

So I am thinking that, for the moment, I would start with the DIs, a Hypex nCore amp, and use my computer as the source to the amp. Then add piece by piece as finances allow.
mdlofnwhr, I’m glad you’re going with the DIs. I love a good SET Tube Amplifier, but I’m biased in my opinion. (tube humor) I have ordered a pair of Nord Acoustic nforce hypex based 400w monos for a client’s install and I’m sort of kicking myself for not having them delivered to my address instead of at his just so I could have auditioned them with the DIs prior to setting them up for him on a pair of klipsch I recently sold him. What brand were you considering? I felt like Nord offered a great product for the money, but I’m curious if you decided on a different brand. If I was going with an amp other than a SET tube amplifier, a great Ncore Class D would be in my short list. Good luck with your system! Let us know how things are going!
mdlofnwhr, Please don't forget the LTA tube gear, the 40w amp would pair well with a HT processor, runs cool and the cage covers it all, lightweight to boot, and really sounds great (allowing emotion, color, and openness most SS gear cannot deliver).
Hi, does anyone here in Arizona own a pair of DI I can audition? I’m willing to bring wine or beer. Btw, I too am curious to know anyone who has used Class D like BC REF600m with DI?

Just got a set of Double Impacts and am breaking them in and doing a variety of fine tunings. Have done REW checks on frequency response and find they are perfectly fine here although my living room is not particularly flat. Am finding that the DAC chosen makes a tremendous difference in frequency response, more so than I would have thought. Perhaps this is because of the surrounding electronics? Am getting the best results with a studio device, a RME UFX. But this is only temporary as it does not have wireless remote. For amplification am using Emotiva monoblocks in class A and they sound superb. There is a bewildering number of DACs out there and would like to get one with very accurate balanced outputs around $1k. Has anyone here heard the Chinese Gustard 20? It seems, like the DIs, to hit above its weight. Thanks for the response.
@craigl59:  Can you explain what you mean by " Am finding that the DAC chosen makes a tremendous difference in frequency response, more so than I would have thought."?


- David.
Also, a correction from two posts ago. Had a thought that kept pinging me ... so I looked into it. The NAD M27 is Hypex based, though NAD does add a few ’tweaks’ to the nCore technology.

To reiterate: The Moon and SST amps are Class A / B.  The Exogal Ion proprietary Class D.


Running REW graphs and using the same mic, converter, amps, and speakers WHEN the DAC is changed, the response is significantly different -- mostly in the midrange. The 3 DACs checked so far include the Sabre 32s in an Oppo 105D, an Emotiva DC10, and the aforementioned RME UFX. Can provide graphs if you are interested. Suggest this might be the result of the analog electonics after the DAC's chip, but this is just a guess. You can, BTW also hear these differences when REW does the sweep.

Craigl59, the best dac's I've come across are the Schiit Yggdrasil and Gungnir multibit. They sound superb through the Double Impacts.
And, in a few weeks, through the Ulfberhts....
Thanks, 333jeffrey. Do either of them have a remote? Would prefer to run the monoblocks directly off the DAC.
craigl59, The Comet Plus DAC from Exogal was designed to drive amps directly and uses a variation of the Wadia digital volume control using a small remote, or an app for your smartphone.
I am right on the edge of ordering a Schiit DAC. Did you like the Yaggy better than the Gumby?
Also what other DACs did you compare with? Right now have a Wyred4Sound DAC-2. 
Mofojo, the Yggy has a better sound than the Gungnir. I compared the two of them side by side in my system, and the Yggy was clearer and more natural sounding. If you leave the Yggy on all the time, which is recommended by Schiit, it sounds truly awesome. It does not have a remote though, so you need to run it through a preamp.
Hello 333jeffrey, 
As an all around all things considered amplifier which do you prefer with the DI,  The Carver Crimson or the NAT Audio?

- thanks for your answer on the REW graphs wrt DACs.

+1 re. @333jeffery 's nod for the Schiit Yggdrasil...it's what has been on the front end of my system for some time now.

+1 re @klh007  re. the Exogal Comet. I've used it to drive the DIs, with very good results. In it's Comet Plus - Ion combination form.

Hi mdlofnwhr - We tested with the Lumin M1 integrated amp/network player (class D amp).  I went in with low expectations, but was a bit shocked at how good the results were (which is always nice).  I would give the DI's a try with a class D amp...you may be surprised also. 

Audio Archon - dealer
Question for Charles, Teajay, or any others with direct insight.

Have an opportunity to pick up a Melody integrated, the AN211 at about half retail.  Seems like it would have plenty of power for the DI's.  From  what I have read seems to be a very nice amp.  Any downsides to the 211 tube I ought to be aware of?  Are there any safety concerns relative to the high voltages the 211/845/805 power tubes employ? (aside from the kids, pets, burning down the house stuff).

Teajay, you really loved the AN300.  Have you ever heard the AN211?

Thanks guys.

Hey corelli,

The Melody AN-211 is a great amp, both on it's sound and build quality.  However, I'm more a 300B fan then 211 based amplifiers.  However, if you want a little less romance/color -meat on the bones and more quickness/speed, but still very musical, I can see the Melody AN-211 kicking butt on the DI's.  As I stated a couple of days ago I'm enchanted with the combo of the LTA Micro-ZOTL and a very inexpensive 2A3 based amp on the DI's.  

Finally, my least favorite Triode tube is the 845 because it sounds like great solid state to me, therefore why not just use a solid state amplifier at that point.  
Charles, as much as I liked the NAT amps and their crystal clarity of sound, the Carver 350's are a lot easier to live with. The Carvers run cool, are very quiet, super easy on the tubes, and give me 99% of the great sound of the NAT's. Plus, they have superior bass over the NAT's.
@corelli - I owned the Melody 2A3 integrated and was very happy with it. I cannot comment directly on the AN211.

Realize you are not looking at their 845, but as @teajay has pointed out, I also moved away from 845 based amps..

My personal choice, per my preferences would be their 300B followed by the 2A3. Caveat being that I have not heard the 211 and of course do not know your goals and desires in these matters.

All the best with your choice. Looking forward to hearing how it works out, especially if you go with the 211.


Interesting. I originally checked out the 2A3 (astro22) but it is no longer imported. 

I am looking for an integrated tube amp that complements my SS marantz gear.

My priorities:
--BIG 3D soundtage with air about performers/instruments
--tone, color
--need to maintain some speed/transient abilities--no maple syrup please.
--I can give up deep bass, but not top end extension

appreciate the input!
The melody 211 would be a good choice. It is a little faster than the 300b amplifier. I still want to hear the famed Ongaku which is a 211 based integrated.

@corelli Maybe Mike @audioarchon can offer some suggestions and guidance.

Can't hurt to give the Melody a go. Sounds like it is on offer at a good price. Minimally, you will be able to get a feel for their build, quality, etc. and if it doesn't accomplish what you are looking for, you know the drill. : )
I've only heard a few 211 tubed amplifiers but I 'don't say that Teajay summed up the basic differeween the 211 and 300b well. It does get a bit tricky because there are clear differences among the same genre of amplifiers.  Some 300b amplifiers are noticeably faster, more clear and transparent than others. Of course this hierarchy exists with all individual classes of amplifiers. 

Thanks for your reply,  it seems that the Carver will be your long term amplifier.  If it's 99 % of the NAT and easier to live with it seems the NAT has no advantages. 
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts.  I appreciate what you are saying Charles.  The Melody AN300 may be a good example of this.  A push pull design no doubt is a big part of that but per teajay it still imparts many of many qualities we look for in a SET amp. 
I do  like what I see in the Melody and Line Magnetic gear.  Also I need to give a call on the LTA integrated that's in the works. 
Although I am a devotee when it comes to SET amplification I still contend that overall quality of design,  built and implementation are crucial.  I could be very happy with a well executed DHT push pull amplifier.  I do not doubt that the Melody AN 300b push pull is as good as teajay says it is. 

It'd be fun to directly compare the Melody AN  300b PP and their 211 SET  and note how they differ. 
Haven't heard one but what about an Audio Space Reference 3.1 300B integrated?
Hey Guys,

I have professionally reviewed and owned gear from both Melody and Audio Space and can share that each company has very high standards when it comes to the quality of parts, innovative design, and build.

The Melody AN-300B was my reference for a period of time and I also had Audio Space's 300B PP mono-blocks in my second system which were great.  So, I'm sure that the Audio Space 300B integrated amp would be a winner too.  

I have never had in house a Line Magnetic amplifier, however I'm using their tube based and tube rectified redbook DAC in my second system and find it to be a great performer.    

Greetings, all.
I have now had the Double Impacts for a couple of weeks and have between 50-60 hours on them. Speaking of Line Magnetic amps, I am driving my DIs with the 508ia integrated and can report without reservations that it is a spectacular match. At 48 watts, this thing is a powerhouse, which can really come in handy on some kinds of music or for some listening tastes, but it lacks nothing in finesse and musicality played at lower volumes. Just phenomenal with all kinds of music, which is also how I would describe the Double Impacts!

I have not yet put back in my Daedalus speakers for a direct comparison, though I have used them for so long that I do have some impressions of some key differences between the speakers (as well as some similarities) that only need to be confirmed by putting them back in. Should make for an interesting weekend.

Sounds too me like you are having fun and listening to some good music.Keep us posted on your results.


Thanks, Kenny. I am indeed having a blast with these speakers. I have had audiophile speakers that sounded great with audiophile music, but completely inadequate with good old fashioned rock and roll music and other "mortal" recordings. Now, the Daedalus speakers are dynamic and can rock, but I do not believe that they have the grunt, pressurize the room,  or convey quite the "impact" of the Double Impacts. I never quite felt like I HAD to have a sub with the Ulysses, but now that I have had the Double Impacts for a couple of weeks, I can see--no, I can FEEL--what I have been missing.

There are other areas that await a more intensive comparison, but it is fair to say that I am duly impressed with these speakers and applaud Eric Alexander for creating them, and teajay and others here for bringing them to our attention.

I will post more impressions later in the week when I have swapped them out.

Glad to hear you're enjoying the DI's, they put a smile on my face every time I listen to them. I'm thinking you're experiencing a similar comparison with your Daedelus as I did with the Legacy Focus SE. Basically the DI's did everything the Legacys could with the addition of the element of fun........air moving, ground shaking dynamic slam. The Legacys went low, but lacked the mid bass power the DI's excell in. The DI's can be great rock and roll party animals but have all the delicate detail and finesse one could want. 

Can you imagine what the Ulfberhts sound like? Scary good I bet. As intriguing as the Ulfberhts are, I'm fine sticking with the DI's.
Just recieved an email saying my LTA MZ2 is shipping today.......just a week and a half after ordering. I know how I'll be spending much of the holiday weekend! I think I'll drive the DI's with the MZ this weekend to see what one watt can do with them. 

I would say that was fast on the MZ2,Let us know how that 1 watt works for you.

I've been looking for a new pre and I have narrowed it down to 2,
ps audio's Bhk and the MZ2.I want a pre that has a headphone amp for the occasional use of headphones.

I hope you enjoy your new toy when you get it.

@waltersalas  Walter, that's just terrific to hear!

In addition to varied music, I would add that you may be surprised if you rotate through some components, etc. Keep us posted on your adventures.

Walter, I was wondering how things were going for you.  Glad to hear you are having fun.  Will welcome further thoughts. Do you have any SS gear?  Would be interested in any comparisons there as well.  I'm sure your 805 has plenty power for the the DI's.

Mac, that was quick.  Excited for you and look forward to your thoughts!

Hi Walter,

Thanks for the update,. I have no doubt that the LM 508ia driving the Double Impacts sound superb. I suspect this is a match that could keep you very happy for many years.


@charles1dad  You must be getting very excited! Looking forward to hearing more about your single watt explorations.
I have been considering a speaker cable change-up. Cerious Tech has been under consideration. Decided to go mainstream and use the Cable Cos. lending program to evaluate the Audience Au24 SX.

Any thoughts on Audience or other speaker cabling? Thanks.

Hi David,

You have me confused for Mac48025. He's awaiting his new LTA ZOTL M2-S to drive his Double Impacts.


Charles, thanks for pointing that out! I'm enjoying the DIs way too much! : )
Yes, extended listening to the DI's can cause disorientation 😜 And yes, Charles is correct, I have an MZ2 on the way. 

My LTA MZ2 will be here tomorrow along with my NOS RCA 12SN7's and 12AT7's. Working with both Mark at LTA and Andy at Vintage Tube Services is such a pleasure. Both are consummate professionals with abundant product knowledge, offer great customer service and bring audiophile grade products to the masses with their very favorable pricing. 

The one watt/DI experiment begins tomorrow night for me. I'm pretty much figuring I'll be buying an amp soon.....but maybe, just maybe the MZ2 will surprise me and offer all the volume I need. 
DIs-orientation. Pretty much order of the day, for me. :)

Imagine what big brother Ulfberth will sow.
Good one David! 

Not ot just the Ulfberhts, but the DI SE also. The 1812's are seemingly getting lost in the shuffle. I wonder where they fit into hierarchy?