Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!

I wrote an extremely long review of 4 cables auditioned in my system recently. I pontificated for way too long and it was more an outlet for me to tell a story that cables do matter and how much each design can make your system sound. The last cable through was the Teo GC IC purchased here and it truly was a game-changer in how it shifts our paradigm about what wire gives us as "truth" and what this slurry of Ga-In-Sn can do better (IMO). Not a technical review but an emotional roller coaster through 4 different topologies:


I'm happy to re-broadcast that here but it is very long (6+ MSWord pages long). I'll point to it for now and take your advice.

Bottom line is the GC cable is truly stunning in what it can do and for us mere mortals who cannot spend thousands on cabling, I believe it can elevate anyone's system to new heights.



Showing 15 responses by wig

Owned both GC and Splash Rs; Truly Transformative in my system and I'm not affiliated with Teo Audio in any way, other than a very satisfied customer!

After reading Teo Audio initial post on Audio Circle regarding their new technology, I decided to follow their thread to learn more about their liquid metal cables and to see how this technology would be accepted by the audiophile community. At that point, only one person from AC had placed an order and I followed because of Teo Audio generous 30-day money back guarantee and I found the new technology quite interesting; it’s a win-win situation.

I’ve had the Teo GC in my system for two weeks and their recommendation is 70-90 hours of continuous playing with no burn-in aids or devices other than line level signals, but I noticed that their plugs appears to be Keith Louis Eichmann which suggests a minimum of 175 hours for their connectors to form and burn-in and currently I have over 280+ hours.

Anyway, the moment I plugged the GC into my system, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; it was the first time in my Audiophile career (30 years) that I was speechless even though I’m quite laid back and reserved! The change was so radical and like nothing I’ve ever heard before, it was like a wave of sound coming toward you in perfect time-alignment, which felt like I was part of a live performance. Sure, they have the attributes of the best cables you have tried in your system but the GC takes it even further in the realms of clarity, quietness, texture, body, richness, dimension, natural decay, ambiance retrieval, image density and at the same time draws you into the venue of the acoustical space…

I primarily listen to Classical Guitar, Cello, Violin and occasionally piano and these instruments are front and center with the GC in place. Images within the soundstage are precisely laid out with palpable images that are spooky realistic and I now understand the cliché’ “as if no cables are being used”. The GC has such a beautiful presence in the midrange with realistic, vibrant and bloomy overtones that makes traditional “wires” sound flat, uninviting and 2 dimensional.

These cables excel in painting an accurate picture of the landscape happening between and outside the edges of your speakers with ease and at the same time sound so organic and realistic... I’ve also noticed that the GC cables reach deeper in the mid-bass and bass region, my acoustical instruments are more weighty, resonant and drums are tighter with more impact, definition and slam. The GC are so cohesive that you don’t notice the highs or lows, but it’s all there in a manner that’s hard to explain…

As an entry level offering, Teo Audio GC are actually a “Game Changer” and sounds nothing like the 20+ pairs of “Wires” I’ve owned and some in the $2K range. If the GC sound this good, I wonder how much better is their Splash version…

@ jayctoy

All Tube based; components and cables are listed and accurate under my system page.

SET Integrated Amp, CD Tube Power Supply and Tube CD Player and it sound magnificent... 

Wig :)
I've upgraded to the Splash Rs as well and if anyone is looking for a 1.5M pair of GC, send me a PM.


@ t_ramey

Yes, I could have traded them up but wanted to give members on this forum an opportunity to try them and they will not have to wait on build time.

Also, cables are no longer available.


I'm looking forward on implementing the Splash Rs into my system; just couldn't believe the transformation the GC made and understand the Splash is going to take it even further...

You have nothing to lose but will gain a drastic emotional connection to the music...

Wig ;o)
To get an idea, see Doug's review at Dagogo.com on both Silnote and Teo Cables.

He planned that project perfectly! It is hard to get any projects around the house done when you're glued to your listening chair marveling and scratching your head on how these Teo cables perform the way that they do...

Not yet, they are being made and tested and will possibly ship mid-week.


I have had the Splash Rs in my system for 2 days now and I’m liking the improvements over the GC in several areas. First, even though they are NOT fully burned-in, the Rs captures WAY more low level detail which is very obvious on acoustic instruments such as Guitars, Cellos and Violins; this was one of the first thing I mentioned to Ken after my GC had time to burn-in and settle.

Also, I’ve noticed a Big difference in floor noise, channel separation, imaging and sound-staging with the Rs in place. Everything is located within its own space and the depth of the soundstage is massive with “Pin-Point” imaging. No doubt that the Splash Rs is a much better cable…

Being that I only need a single pair of RCAs, the extra cost is definitely worth it in my system. The GC may be a few rows closer in presentation but doesn't come close in retrieving hall effects, ambiance cues or conveying multiple layers within a complex orchestra recording that the Rs does convincingly...

Re-configuring my components and if anyone is looking for some Teo Splash Rs 1.5M, send me a PM
