The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,

Showing 9 responses by tubegroover

Albert I AM impressed! I would also be interested in hearing about your room,(must be dedicated, huh). If I had the room I feel certain I would go the SoundLab route. The absolute best music mimicing transducers I have ever heard and that was the A-3's, haven't heard the Ultimate 1's.
The following is my current system. Whether or not it is the most enjoyable is another question I suppose for another thread but it is the “best” based on the components. It is subject to a lot of upcoming changes brought on by my new high strung mistress the Merlin VSM-SE loudspeakers which have let everyone know who’s in charge but IS definitively better than any loudspeaker I have owned and most I’ve heard. Room is 13’2” X 19’ X 12-8’ vaulted ceiling. This is a multipurpose room or what one might call the “family room” it is open and the sound is getting better with some added treatments. It is occupied by ARC D-115 Mk2 stock amp and SP-8 Mk1 Revision 3 stock pre-amp. Harmonic Tech truthlink interconnects are used throughout, Analysis Plus Oval 9 cables for speakers are coming, Harmonic Tech Pro 11 power cords which will be upgraded in the future as will the ARC gear to iec connectors with better cords. I am a firm believer in good AC from the source, it makes a big difference. I have 2 dedicated 20 amp circuits with Leviton hospital receptacles and independent ground. which was installed when the house was built. The sources are SOTA Sapphire Turntable Premier MMT arm and various cartridges that have accumulated over the years and a P.S. Audio Ultralink via JVC 1050 CD player. These sources are the oldest part of my system. The SOTA has been with me for 14 years now. It does need upgrading or replacing. I have designed an audio equipment rack which I guess I am going to build since the Italian woodworker from the old school who I have been pestering to do it is just too old and not motivated and I don’t have the time for that hobby anymore but…. I'm just going to have to find the time. Some of the commercial units are really junk, they rock too much (Bellogetti comes to mind). I talked with Bob the Sound Anchor guy who lives close by but his units although well built are aesthetically an eyesore for my dear wife. There are many changes on the horizon. The sound of the system at present is analog; superb, digital needs to be replaced. Just ordered a Perpetual Technology P-3A, due today, and will probably follow with the P-1A, (room and speaker correction software coming) IF I like the P-3A. This system is transitional in its present state, aren’t they all? I have spent a bit of time commenting on items that are indirect to the question posed but I have personally found most important in a GREAT audio system - Clean AC, vibration isolation, and room acoustics. The old timers know this but for guys new to this hobby don’t overlook it. Changing gear can be much more expensive with less improvement overall.
arl you don't need to explain anything to anybody about your system or make any apologies for anything. This isn't about my system is bigger, badder or better than yours, it certainly shouldn’t be. My system seems somewhat pedestrian compared to several of the above but I am quite happy with the musical pleasure it gives me and would like to share that with others. Some folks have greater resources than others. Some that do have the resources wouldn't dream of putting in the money or most importantly TIME it takes to assemble a true world class system. Carl your credibility is already established regardless of what your system is (unless it is some low rent mid-fi junk, you're not holding out on us are you? Just kidding really.) You have already revealed part of your system. I know your speakers, amp and CD player and know that you are always playing with different cables. Not a thing wrong your system UNLESS you don’t get musical pleasure from it. This goes for anyone else out there as well and I’m sure that is the purpose of the post.
I think an important point may be lost on some when looking at Albert and Gerry's systems. First of all you don't just go out and BUY a system like theirs. It is quite obvious to me that these systems evolved over years of careful listening and upgrading and finding out what works according to their individual tastes. These systems demonstrate the ultimate of what can be achieved but lets face it, you may be able to copy it but you can't buy the experience, knowledge and personal satisfaction gained by putting it together yourself. For THAT they and some of the others above have my admiration and respect.
Slawney What is a "Federative Government"? I also was curious as to what that means. Sounds like some term from a political science course, a term to reference ? or maybe an inside term used by government diplomats and analyists. I can't every remember coming across it before. Will
Yeah Charles I do have a comment. I have said the same thing myself time and time again. The only way it is going to happen is if you abstain from sites like this, stop reading the rags, hole up in a room somewhere and just enjoy your music. Otherwise you are just kidding yourself, it never ends!
Sound_decisions Thanks for the input. If I hadn't heard such an absolute opinion on specific gear at least 50 times prior to yours, I might believe you. Your opinion is quite compelling, especially to the uninitiated. I say to you this, it is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I DID once hear a Gryphon amp, to what speakers I don't remember, at the 1994 Stereophile show. It was a ho hum run of the mill demo but then again it was an audio show. And as to Carl's remarks concerning yours it reminds me of a recent encounter I had with a dealer who recommended one product (which he so happened to be a dealer of, surprise, surprise) over another product that was universally accepted in the market. I went with his recommendation. The unit was sent back in short order. So to you I say reproduced audio and real music are different. Tastes will vary from individual to individual as to what gear will make music sound real or for that matter more enjoyable. There are no absolutes, sorry!
Sound_decisions I would be the first person to agree that show sounds aren't the best. I guess my point on you was missed. You are to have us believe based on your vast experience that you hold the answer to what is best in reproduced audio. I guarantee that you don't. If you don't believe it then ask yourself this question, Why are there so many products out there? And please don't tell me it is because no one has heard Gryphon amps and Martin Loagan Statement loudspeakers. Reproduced audio is an ILLUSION it is not real. So far as I'm concerned the two are completely different. So to you I say I'm happy for you. I still believe tubes get me to real better than any solid state I have heard to date. But then again that is just my tastes. You really don't hold the key to anything except what you personally believe in. I'm happy for you.