The Distortion of Sound

My dad emailed me this link quite a while ago and I finally took the time to watch the short film. Even though it was on my iPad the sound difference between MP3 and uncompressed was distinct. In my experience, some music shows the differences more than others but this was significant. It is interesting to see the artist's perspective on compressed audio. Also, note what appears to be a modern looking 8track player.

Showing 2 responses by nonoise


When young, I needn't any tricks or prodding to compel me to listen. Once heard better, there was no going back. Just another way of getting better sound without breaking the bank was the trick which I still employ today.

As much as I love my grandnephews, I couldn't get them to sit long enough to listen, yet alone appreciate, better sound. I'd get those funny looks that strike at the heart of what I love and I couldn't bear it. :-)

We live in different times and the herd is going in a different direction. Or are they lemmings?

All the best,