The final solution to WAF problems / issues.

Blue Circle may of found a solution to all those male audiophiles that have WAF problems or issues. It is their new Music Pumps monoblock amplifiers and Music Purse preamp.
See the following link:

Showing 3 responses by esoxhntr

No, no, not possible....the purse is only a linestage, you'd need a step up stage if you wanted to use a pornograph. Your chief physician is clearly an audio ignoramus.
I had the things in my house for a couple of days, and they sound way better than not half bad. For the money they are killer (they have the same basic design as Blue Circle's AG gear - AWESOME). They warm up in about 2 minutes flat, drive difficult speaker loads, and render music extremely well. With a good input source a person could be very happy with these damned things, AND they peaked on the WIF (wife interest factor) meter very highly. I would like to see them teamed up with the Fuzzy Boy cables from the Montreal show...
