The issue of lowballing... What does that mean?

I LOVE Audiogon. I have purchased and sold many items here and it is a wonderful resource for audio nuts of every variety. Big solid state, tubes, analog, vinyl? Sure it all goes.

So I see posts that are make offer but the seller says "lowballers" will be ignored, vilified, cursed and cussed. So why have a make offer sale? Something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. It doesn't matter what you paid for it, or how much you love it. And why be upset? Declining requires one mouse click. Countering maybe five or six clicks or keystrokes. Just curious as this is a commerce site.

I have received offers that seemed really low to me, but I am still happy to have interest and I always counter offer. I recently sold a Clearaudio TT for a lot less than I thought it was worth. But all the offers were low and I had to rethink my view. It ultimately sold as a real bargin but I'm happy and so is the buyer.

Your thoughts?

Showing 24 responses by polk432

Why would a lowballer care if a seller states that they will be ignored? An offer a bit lower is one thing, but lowballers are bums. They should practice their skills in stores in a live situation. I just sold a custom pool cue for 1200.00 on the bay. It was listed for 1299.00 and I was offered 1200.00 so I sold it and shipped it the same day. The buyer is very happy with it. I was also offered 1150.00 and less by lowballers, so I offered the cue to them at 1400.00 or higher. They got mad when they found out it was their time they were wasting.
Lowball offer= bums. When an item for sale is at a set price, that's the price the buyer wants. If you think it's too high, move on, you may be right. If it is fixed and states make offer, then offer a little less, don't insult the seller trying to get it for nothing. They will let you know if they are desperate to sell. You may as well ask "just exactly how much is a shitload"? How the Hell do I know?
Buy it now. 0% If I like the price I'll buy, if not, I'll walk away. Make offer 8-10% otherwise the item would be an auction. I've never paid sticker or retail for anything, I let the dealership know how much I can spend without financing and go from there. Even if I finance to get a lower sales price, I make one payment on the first bill and it's done. I don't like owing anyone for anything. You just have to walk away sometimes because sooner rather than later there will be another earth shattering sale on whatever. Lowballers still = bums.
Guess what? It may be they are stating what they can't spend. As far as I'm concerned buy a Benz or buy a VW, just don't waste my time trying to get something for nothing, or something you don't deserve financially.
If the price is buy it now 1000.00 plus shipping then that's the price. It doesen't say make offer. Offer 900.00 the price goes up to 1100.00 plus shipping. If you think the seller is that hard up, why offer 900.00 when you can offer 300.00 good luck getting it. I guess you think 10% off buy it now only makes the buyer a Hobo and not quite a Bum. Freakin' brilliant huh?
Bg1968, you are the first prospect I've ever lost, and have every right not to buy from me. Sorry, but I never sell at lowball bum prices anyway, however if I ever do, you'll be the first to know. The lowball price will be firm though.
It has nothing to do with it at all. I'm not stupid, and don't let bums take advantage of me. Check out my feedback on here and ebay. I have no negatives or complaints and deal fairly. I just don't cave in when someone without the means makes offer because they feel that they are self entitled to have things they don't deserve, because they are pissed off that others have nice things. Maybe they think someone just gave the items to the seller, so if the seller never paid for the item, why should the lowballer pay a fair price? Lowballers = BUMS. It's easy, just have the money or butt out. There are lots of things I'd like, but I don't try lowballing because I don't have the means.
Orelayer, Zydo and I don't promote lowballers. Why stick up for them. Me going back to work wouldn't be fair to a person that needs a job. It would only add to list of lowball bums out there. There are plenty of buyers that understand the difference between buy it now, auction, and make offer.
I didn't retire at 49 for no reason. I'm all for a deal, but at realistic prices. Like I stated earlier, try that in retail stores in a live situation. Go ahead, make lower offers than the marked prices. Offer less at the gas pump, why not, you deserve the best regardless of whether you have the means or not. Why should you pay as much for something if you have less to spend than someone that does have? People that have money never sacrificed a thing to get that way, so why should you? Some stranger just walked up to me one day and handed me enough to retire on. Who knows, maybe he'll do the same for you tomorrow. People would be much better off financially if they realized that if you don't manage your money it'll manage you and the only other way you'll be financially stable is to win the lottery or turn to crime. I simply have no time for lowballing bums. Like I said, check my feedback on here or ebay. Numbers don't lie.
Mrtennis, I simply speak the truth. Seems like you are the one with issues, or you don't mind someone trying to take advantage of you. Besides, everyone knows that this forum is just a joke with the exception of some technical guidance for those trying to fix their equipment without shipping it, unless it is absolutely necessary. Get well soon, and happy listening.
If I was mad at the world I wouldn't even bother with this silly blog. Really I'm laughing, and thanks for the advice. I think Mrtennis has a case of tennis elbow, but not from playing tennis. Happy listening.
Sebrof, get real. People that can't afford food aren't even on this site. Food is not a material item. I'm talking about dealing fairly with others. Go ahead, try to find one complaint here or on ebay with anyone I've ever bought from or sold to. Well, find any? You're just another complainer that can't stand anyone having something nicer than you have. If something is worth 800.00 I'll pay 800.00 if it's worth 1000.00 I'll pay 1000.00 if I don't feel the deal is worth it I simply move on. Maybe you (and a few other SPECIAL people on here) think you should only pay 175.00 for the 800.00 and 1000.00 items. It's your business if you want to be a lowballer (BUM) just don't bother me with it.
Zydo, thanks for being intelligent enough to understand. I've donated several items (not just electronics) to Childrens Hospitals when I couldn't get a fair offer on what I was selling. I may not have gotten anything by turning down lowballers, but a smile on someones face that has less than me means more. I'm far from rich, but I do what I can. Still, there are going to be a few out there that think I have issues. That's ok, I wish them no harm. Now, pay up or move to the back of the line.
Sorry I meant Orelayer about food. Again, I will not back up lowballers. Like I said, let them try that at the gas pump, retail and grocery stores. If the sale is buy it now, the price is buy it now. If it is make offer, make one...just not lowball. You will not get the item, so please move on to an auction. I'm all for a good deal and set prices accordingly. Find a complaint on here or ebay as far as feedback goes from a buyer or a seller.
Orelayer, compared to you I am a Genius. And also have the means not to ever be a lowballer. Stand up for winners, not losers. How often have you offered a seller more than the buy it now price when you felt they were not asking enough? I guess there will always be a few lowball losers on here, but there are a lot more people that know how to get a good deal without lowballing.
I do have 130 transactions on ebay. Agon is not a retail store or a store for lowballers either. My point is that they have to try to screw someone over to get something, and to me that makes them bums. I you want to be a lowballer, or support lowballers,or try to cheat someone that's your business, just keep moving and look elseware if it's something I'm selling. Not finding any complaints on here or ebay means that I know how to deal fairly with good people and not let a lowballer take advantage of me. Happy bidding.
If you had the means you wouldn't lowball. No I don't walk sideways through doors, but I could probably follow you into a revolving door and come out ahead of you. I'm ok with a lower offer on a make offer, just not buy it now. Look for an auction if you're looking for something less, just don't get into a bidding war.
I'm not poor or little. As long as you don't have to cheat someone you're ok. I've never had a lowballer take advantage of me because nothing I ever sell is a fire sale. I'd never be stupid enought to have a lowball bum take advantage of me either. If you enjoy catering to lowballers then great. I just happen to be above it, that's all. Get well soon Orelayer.
Retiring at 49 isn't exactly someone that took the wrong directions in life, like sticking up for lowballers. Keep right on defending lowballers, they are losers just like you. You can't win and you know it. You'll probably break something expensive (if you own anything expensive) before this blog is over. Enjoy your purchases, and whatever you do, don't spend all of your money in one place. Peace out. Hope you didn't get any dizzier than you are now while you were in that revolving door. I now return control of your mind.
No one is out to get me because I know what I'm doing. If sellers don't want to sell for less why should they. The buyer can make a lower offer on a make offer or try their luck in an auction if they want to. I recently sold a custom pool cue that was listed for 1299.00 I was offered 800.00 by a lowballer. He wanted the build sheet, cost sheet and other information, so I sent it to him. He became very upset when I explained that for 800.00 was not a fair price and that there was no way I'd sell it for that. I sent pics and he sent me some of some sticks he collected. It didn't sell and he kept emailing me, wasting my time and his. I relisted the cue for 999.00 to open and 1299.00 buy it now. I got an offer for 1200.00 so since I had no bids I told the buyer I'd relist it for 1200.00 buy it now. He bought it, and I shipped it that day. The buyer stated that it exceeded his expectations and is very happy with the deal. The cue was brand new, never chalked or shot with, removed from box for pics only and shipped in the case for added protection. The buyer is happy and it was a good deal for the both of us, but according to you, I should have sold it to the lowball bum, like an idiot. The lower offer the buyer made was reasonable not a lowball offer. Just have the means or butt out when it comes to buying from me. You seem to have a big problem paying a fair price for things, and seem to have self entitlement issues. See a doctor. Maybe you can lowball him for his charges. Get well soon.
If a seller wants to sell for less... how can they cheat someone at a lower price? Unless it is not low enough for a lowballer, that's how, according to you. I own my own home on the Intercoastal waterway in Florida. I have no mtg. so maybe I got it by being a lowballer. BTW, how does your stereo sound. You know, the one in your parents basement? I even sold something on ebay for a lower price than I asked for and you're still not happy. If you can't get help here, get help somewhere. Get well soon Orelayer. Lowballers are bums.
How can you be confused, unless you are or defend lowballers? I make fair deals, and it WILL be a fair deal by both parties, whether you like it or not, when it comes to something I sell or buy. Why does this seem to be the only place that lowballing should be accepted? Why isn't lowballing accepted at the gas pump, grocery store, retail shops, car dealerships, hospitals, and other places? If YOU want to lowball, go ahead, just butt out if I am selling something that I know is a fair price. If for some reason the price isn't fair, I'll just keep it. Please, just get out of the way and move on. Happy listening.
Orelayer, your IQ (or what's left of it) is low to begin with so maybe you should stop reading all of the blogs on here before it becomes worse. My understanding of the written word seems to be as good as anyone else. You can't argue with success. Get well soon, and enjoy your lowball life.