The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway

I just picked up a reissue on vinyl. Very well done! This has always been one of my favorites. The copy I had never sounded this good, nor did the cd. If your a fan it's worth the $34.

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No longer play vinyl here but thanks anyway for the memory. I haven’t thought about this concert in years but remember seeing the tour on Feb. 2, 1975 in GR, MI. Biggest spectacle I had seen since Yes’ fire-breathing dragon. Three video screens (unheard of back then), costumes, and a big rotating cylinder thing that came down from the ceiling over Gabriel. The music was outstanding.
One of the two links below from the GR show has the video but sound was redubbed and the other link has the whole audio without the video. These days, there would be thousands of copies on personal iPhones.