The Lawyers Have Taken Over Audio

Great article in the wall street journal today.

Strange, Gideon mentions that he has a $500,000 ceiling on a system. I will appreciate that when I visit him. I now know how much cash to bring.

Showing 1 response by phaelon

"His job though, is to put together components that have synergy and help set them up, with accessories, room treatment and speaker placement, that gives you some chance of hearing what theystem is capable of.”

You’re right David, that should be the job. Unfortunately, the appeal of selling $100,000+ stereo systems, while gaining access to the the type of person who is willing to spend that kind of money on a stereo system, is irresistible to a certain type of grifter. I’ve seen salesmen bleed clients for decades with never ending phone calls that begin something like this: "I’m not sure if you're ready for this; your system is already so frickin awesome, I just don’t know. Do you thing you’re strong enough for another twenty percent improvement?" I know that everybody here is too smart for that, but it does happen, and the grifter salesman doesn’t need a lot of those clients to make a great deal of money.