The punk band Crass

Hello I have been a fan of Crass from the late 70s and early 80s. My favorite punk band with great licks, exciting noise, experiments in sound, anarchist lyrics and wonderful vocals from Eve Libertine and Steve Ignorant. The black and white album covers/posteres are a reflection of a dadaist type movement. I have a number of their albums on original vinyl that I bought new back then. I just recently just picked up two new pressings of Feeding the 5000 and Penis Envy. Both sound as good as the original pressings beimg very quiet, quite dynamic and look great. Well worth picking up if you like them or punk. Anybody else into them?

Showing 1 response by bday0000

I am also a big fan of Crass. I used to blast their albums when I was a kid living in nowhere Alabama. I was completely oblivious to their politics (and somewhat still am, although by choice). I would also listen to (and still do) Flux of Pink Indians, GBH, Exploited...etc.

Dry Weather is one of my all-time favorite songs.
