The stupidest power cable question ever

Some power cords, those of a heavier gauge (which are the lower numbers -- that much I know), are marketed for high-current applications. Others, the higher numbers and lighter gauge, are said to be for sources. Fine and fine.
What I' wondering is this: I've now got enough power cords of enough different types lying around that I sometimes like to mix and match, see what might sound different, preferably better, on this or that component. Is putting, say, a lighter gauge cord on a high-current component, a power amp, for example, simply unwise because of how it is likely to sound, or might doing this cause some damage, or worse?
(Told you at the top it was a stupid question.)
I don't think you have anything to worry about, unless you have VERY inefficient speakers or you are running 500 watt per channel Class A monoblocks. Most of that wire gauge stuff is way over-rated when it comes to audio cables. Following gauge size for house wiring is very important though.

I don't know of any after market power cords that could not perform in any application. Some may sound better than others in certain spots, but safety would not be a concern for me.
Agree the 'usual 14 gauge 'thin' wires are fine for amps and stuff.
Most of the audiophile powercords are way overkill when it comes to wire gauges.
And trying the big ones on sources works too.
I have some 7 gauge on my preamps.
(However some really way out there esotric ((Think Mapleshade)) ones are not suitable for amps...)
Thanks for your responses -- I'll keep on playing around when the mood hits me.