Think twice before concluding some thing sounds better

Often anything good that is merely different seems better.    So many aspects of sound, things to listen for. Takes time to really know what parts are better and what might actually be worse in a complementary sense 
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Showing 1 response by tbg

I have had instances where something new is immediately evident, but I also have grounding cables that if moved take time to get back to their best. I don't think any conclusion holds for everything.

I also know that being at the edge of realism is very fragile. I moved Star Sound AP2s once on my crossovers and thought the sound realism was lost. Then I noticed the location was different.

I now also know that higher sampling rates that move the filter to much higher frequencies mean that there is much music that is not evident on cds. I also know that vinyl doesn't have it all either but that may be screwed up RIAA adjustments.

I wish we were still in the '60s and '70s when dealers could do demonstration, but alas, the internet has killed that. And shows usually have awful sound given the rooms, lack of breakin on components, etc. I'm glad that I have audio friends throughout the country and even in Europe or HK. But I know some of them cannot hear. Life is tough now days.