Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player

My current CD player is a basic, older Sony, probably 10-12 years old. Works fine but I could use it in another location with a lower end system. It seems to sound about as good as my Arcam CD92 that lost its DAC a while back.

So now thinking about buying a new CDP and have a couple of questions.

I’d like to keep this in the $300-500 range for units with internal DAC. Not looking for SACD player. Other than a remote, not looking for special features or multi disk players.

I’m guessing that in this price range SQ is probably comparable to other units in that range.

First, is a CDP in this price range going to sound any better than the old Sony?
Second, if not, is there any reason not to just buy a comparable $200 unit?
Third, for units in this price range ($300-500) is there any reason to look for one with balanced output capability and if so, is there any way to know if it is truly balanced.

Thanks all,



Showing 13 responses by geoffkait

I’m a fan of the vintage Sony portable Walkman CD players as well as some other brands such as Panasonic made in Japan. The advantage is very low cost, escape from house AC, escape from all manner of expensive power cords, interconnects and speaker cables. Not to mention escape from the whole hoopla regarding what fuse to buy and what direction to put it in dissolves away like tears in rain. 😭 
I prefer the Walkman. The Discman is the older crappy one. I don’t remember who brought up the Discman and frankly I don’t care. It’s irrelevant. If you want to pretend it means anything go for it. Argue amongst yourselves.
I do hate to utter these words(lol) but.....
GK does have a good point on the Sony Walkman,I use one in my second system that GK was kind enough to gift to me for the price of shipping.

It actually sounds pretty darn good, very neutral and natural , no remote though! Lol.
It is not a terrible idea.......

any particular model recommended ?

>>>>By and large all Sony Walkmans sound very good. There are others that sound good, too. It’s easier to find Sony Walkmen. They are also reliable and tend not to go belly up like some lesser brands. I modify my Walkman CD players to a certain extent. The cassette Walkman I’m using is one of those robust yellow Sports Walkman models. I am currently using the made in Japan Panasonic MASH CD player as my main player. For the CD player I am using a Perfect Path eCard, some PBW Tweaks, 2 Hz isolation, Graphene contact enhancer for batteries, and a few other tricks I have up my sleeve. Another eCard for the cassette player and Graphened batteries. I sell these modded players, full disclosure,

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Advanced Audio Concepts
we do artificial atoms right
WTF! Oh, no he didn’t!! Don’t tell me! Aw, geez, not more of glubson’s, What about this, what about that? routine! Just when you thought this thread couldn’t possibly get any more bizarre.
Being clueless and arrogant is not that great of a combination.

Exactly! I know you are but what am I?
glubson - why so goofy? The Discman was for the car and the Walkman was for walking. What a maroon! Go troll someone else for a change, 💩🧠
Looks like glubson got a bite. Be mildly interesting to see his next set of idle questions will be. 😜 Discman usually means for the car, at least that’s my impression since they usually come with adaptor. 
glubson, you’re wrong again, I did not bring it up. If you can’t keep up with the conversation drop out. Now, you’re probably going to take this the wrong way, but it seems to me you don’t know much of anything. Just going by your words and your silly little what about this, what about that routine. No offense.

For what’s it’s worth, I have a great many CD Walkman players, of which there are a great many models. I also have a bunch of cassette Walkmen. If you could hear what I hear on the Sony cassette Walkman with my ears you would have a conniption. I hope I’m not repeating myself when I say I do not buy or sell Sony Discman players as they are junk.
"Now, you’re probably going to take this the wrong way, but it seems to me you don’t know much of anything."
So far, it seems that you are the clueless one. When I do not know, I ask. You claim and it is so wrong that it is sad. Many of us feel pity for you. It is not a shame to ask, it is a shame not to know and be "all-knowing" and insulting others. I apologize if my questions make you feel uncomfortable. If you knew answers to them you would not feel this way about them. If you were at least capable of understanding any of the questions, it would already be a milestone. But...refer to the first sentence and try to learn. Even if it is about naming portable CD players. Simple and unimportant stuff that you could even grasp.

You may not remember, but I do have WM FS-499 and D-421SP in a perfectly good condition. For whatever it is worth, I know how they sound. Better than expected, for sure. Far from great, though. When I get a chance, I will try connecting my Discman to amplifier. I admit I never tried that. I am curious how it is. I can tell you that portable Mini-Disc is crappy.

>>>>>You probably won’t like this either but I’m filing all that under Who Cares? Find someone else to work your infantile Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby routine on.
George (OP)will probably never come back to this thread. He probably never intended to get another budget CDP. The suggestion to use a portable CDP (Walkman, Discman, Funkman or whatever) to connect to his stereo. I think that is more in line with what a 13 year old boy from the 80’s might do.

WTF? Whoa! Did I just see 666 posts for 2cyclops? Is he about to summon Satan? 👁
Good things come in small packages. No power cords, no interconnects, no f@#$& up house AC, no fuses, no speaker cables. And none of the distortion those things bring to the table. No real estate Issues or room acoustics crap to deal with, either. And the money you save on all of that crap you can spend on beer 🍺 

Big things have small beginnings.
Of course it should be pointed out that these little Walkman dudes do need a little help to sound their best. Otherwise they tend to sound kind of generic. But they can achieve a surprisingly high level if you put a little effort into it. So there are a number of things I do. The very first thing I do is...