Thinking of selling my Teres

Hey Guys, I know it's been a while since I posted anything here, but i have been watching!! Since my wife and I split up I've had the upgrade bug big time. I sold the AN CD2, and the home theater stuff is going now. Actually, I'm thinking about getting rid of it all and starting over again.

I guess my question is will I end up kicking myself if I get rid of the Teres? I have a ton of time in building it, and it will always be very special to me. But, like all things I feel it's time for a change. I've also thought about building a new platter for it, maybe the new motor, then going from there.

Getting rid of the rest of the system doesn't bother me in the least. but I have to tell ya, this Teres dilemma is a much harder decision that getting rid of my wife.

Help me out guys, start over or upgrade it? One thing I know for sure is some of the most enjoyable audio conversations I've ever had came from this forum during the construction of the Teres. Man do I miss that!

Showing 3 responses by jphii

As you've already considered, changing out the acrylic platter would be something to improve on.

Maybe the challenge of building a platter will keep me happy for a while. I have to admit I got (almost!) as much enjoyment out of the build as I do out of listening to it.

That you're even asking the question tells me the answer - for crying out loud, keep it.

Yea, I know it sounds like that. but lately I've been getting that itchy feeling that says get rid of everything and start over. As much as I like my Audio Note kit, I haven't thought twice about getting rid of it and starting over. I'm going to have to give this some serious thought.

Yea, she never said a word when I was swapping gear out regularly. We're still friends, and probably get along better now;)

I don't think I'd do a new plinth. That one weighs about 80 pounds. If I did one 8" thick it would probably be close to 200#. I like the composite platter, but I still think I would rather build my own. But, the composite platter is kinda makin me think I might be able to find some "different" materials to do it out of....

Doug, I've been following your exploits regularly. I wish (even though I'm kinda glad I don't) I had Paul's ears!! Maybe I do need to get a hold of Larry and set it up all over again. Sure can't hurt.

Abe, I always wanted to do an idler wheel. Another thing to think about.
Well, back to matters of importance. I got some wood today to build a platter. We'll see how it goes....