Thinking of selling my Teres

Hey Guys, I know it's been a while since I posted anything here, but i have been watching!! Since my wife and I split up I've had the upgrade bug big time. I sold the AN CD2, and the home theater stuff is going now. Actually, I'm thinking about getting rid of it all and starting over again.

I guess my question is will I end up kicking myself if I get rid of the Teres? I have a ton of time in building it, and it will always be very special to me. But, like all things I feel it's time for a change. I've also thought about building a new platter for it, maybe the new motor, then going from there.

Getting rid of the rest of the system doesn't bother me in the least. but I have to tell ya, this Teres dilemma is a much harder decision that getting rid of my wife.

Help me out guys, start over or upgrade it? One thing I know for sure is some of the most enjoyable audio conversations I've ever had came from this forum during the construction of the Teres. Man do I miss that!
As you've already considered, changing out the acrylic platter would be something to improve on.

Maybe the challenge of building a platter will keep me happy for a while. I have to admit I got (almost!) as much enjoyment out of the build as I do out of listening to it.

That you're even asking the question tells me the answer - for crying out loud, keep it.

Yea, I know it sounds like that. but lately I've been getting that itchy feeling that says get rid of everything and start over. As much as I like my Audio Note kit, I haven't thought twice about getting rid of it and starting over. I'm going to have to give this some serious thought.


Keep the Teres. Theres some part of you there when you finished the build. Your ingenuity, your passion, your style.

FWIW, just in case you are wondering or tempted about the "idler" revolution, let me tell you my opinion. I have a Garrard 301, Thorens 124 MKI and MKII and yes they are good. But keep the Teres! It is, in its own way, special! Believe me, you will regret selling it.


It was the complications of building platter that kept me from building my own a few year back. But then, I don't have the shop that you have. Not so much the puzzling together and epoxy work. I had that worked out. Access to a good CNC would make the outcome more predictable for me. I still think it would be a fun challenge. But honestly, for the work involved, I couldn't see doing it just for a platter replacement. Now, building something like the old 320 or 360, that would be awesome. AND, you can't get them new anymore.

If you do decide to build a new one, hang on to your first one until you're finished. Then you'll be able to enjoy how much difference there is with the new table.

"Done, I'm done, on to the next one!" - Dave Grohl, Foo Fighters

"Women come and go." Good thinking, real good.

You maybe married for 17 yrs. but your wife knows who you are.

This hobby is so much better when the one you live with is treated as more important than your power cord. You know what I mean by power cord?

The music sounds so much better when you're not hidding your selling and buying and you treat your partner with more respect than, they come and go, but my system will always be with me. You project that to you wife and if you have kids to them also. My wants and needs are number one.

If your life gives off that kind of sound then maybe you need to charge out your cart, oh I am sorry I mean your heart.

My gear is number one in my life. If I am a sap then you are a little boy that always gets his way.
Nice table!
As one whom makes things for both fun and a living, I'd asy sell it if you have the "itch". The next one will be even better than the first, and some other person gets to enjoy your handy work.

There's something very cathartic about a clean break and a fresh start...