Time to weed the LPs.... (choosing stuff to dump)

I am in the process (again, every few years) of weeding the Rock LPs. Going through newer stuff to decide to sell to my fav. record store, or keep.
I do this every few years to thin out the collection gradually. Eight years ago I did a major cull removing 6,000 LPs of 12,000 to move. Over the last six years I have cut that down to 4,500 (and probably buying 500 of those during that time).For all sorts of reasons it is a good project. Get rid of cobweb covered music I have no use for, (and maybe someone else wants) Frees up a small amount of cash to waste on more Stereo junk.The main thing is the collection gets better, more just what I really like.Anyone else clear out the junk now and then?(For the question already forming... and no I will not sell them here. I have bought tons of stuff at my fav. record store, I like them, and sell all my records to them.  LOL)

If you read the response to my post, you’ll find the reference to rambling. My interest in prolonging this thread has ended. Apparently, no good advice goes unpunished.
You know its funny some if the best albums I have come across in the last couple of years ,were eiither by accident or chance .Most of the time the people are trying to unload garbage ,lousy albums or all scratched and they want top dollar.It gets tired explaining to them that the stuff is worthless.i came across a box of Beatles,Stones,Four Seasons,Beach Boys and a Pet Sounds Signed by the BB while on tour in 67 it didnt have Brian Wilson beacuse he wasnt on the Tour that year .like 30 albums $10 bucks..I went to buy Couple of boxes of cds for $10 bucks and she said you these for $10 to...lol
I keep down to around 1500 vinyl, which is manageable in terms of keeping clean and reasonable usage. Two regrets; I gathered all my doubled up albums from buying job lots, sorted the best condition to one pile, got them mixed up and sold the best ones by mistake. Secondly, in a job lot 10 years ago, I got two sequential albums on Spanish tuition, "what do I need these for?' and sold them on - they were the Andy Warhol artwork albums, and worth $10,000 I find out recently.One other thing is that although I treat my CD's as I do my LP's, they crap out and become unplayable for no apparent reason, possibly my CD player is too fussy as they will play in the car - some of my vinyl albums I bought 45 years ago and still play as new.
Once I grew to understand what kind of jazz I enjoy, I culled all of the major artist releases that had the obligatory strings (elevator music) from the seventies.  Surprisingly, the only ones that remained were the CTI releases.
I have a love/hate relationship with collecting anything, so I am constantly weeding. I have had some pleasant surprises though, and found out that albums I got in the budget bin were going for $20-$30. And I always try to buy two of anything that I think will quickly appreciate, so as to offset some of the cost of new vinyl. I know people generally hate "flippers", but it does help to defray the cost of my own buying. And I only have around 300.