Tinnitus worries...

I have had on and off periodic ringing in the ears for 30 years, (lots of live music) and back in March I decided to invest in a new home audio system, speakers, amp preamp CD player and cables costing about 7k, I have almost constant low level tinnitus now, my doctor says it's a cumulative thing and there is little that can be done. I hardly listen to music beyond normal talking decibels, and am very careful about any other loud DB exposure. Odd how the tinnitus became constant the minute I got my new system set up.  I guess this is more of a warning than anything else, so be careful! 

Showing 4 responses by lpretiring

Racer 45, The timing of your problem is curious. Perhaps the performance of your new system somehow is contributing. Your system and you also, might benefit from extensive isolating of all your new gear. Attention to room acoustics will not hurt either if needed. At the very least your system will sound better, and with luck maybe your condition will improve too.
I know how most of us truly love this hobby, and I wish you the very best in finding a way to relieve your symptoms.
Racer, if your willing to pay the price and explore diet, I have evolved over the last 30 years into a now gluten-free, flour free vegan. Research suggested to me that any flour restricts arteries for about 8 hours after ingesting. I forget the %, but it's over 25 for sure. Could it influence hearing? I'm not sure because I do not have this issue. Simply put, stick to veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans and gluten-free whole grains for a week and see where you are at. It clearly helps my air flow among other things.
Apologizes to all who might feel this is off topic.