Tonearm for Transfiguration temper

Hi folks

i have the opportunity to get a transfiguration temper (not the latest V,W variants) cartridge at a good price. I have heard it (on a different system to mine) and was impressed.

My system is a Gyro SE, and incognito RB300.

My feeling is that the arm MAY NOT be up to it.

Will it work in this arm? and what arm/type of arm would do it justice?


Showing 1 response by sirspeedy70680e509

The above comments are right on the money!I have had the older Temper(superb),and now have the "V" in a Graham 2.2!Very satisfying sound,and very detailed.My old Temper lasted,believe it or not,8 years.Like an old Honda,you almost cannot kill it!One important note--the Temper is a fairly light cartridge,weighing only 7.5 grams.This should be considered when chosing the ideal arm,to mate.Not a big deal,but careful attention here will add to the ultimate performance.You can save big bucks,by looking at some offerings on Audiogon's "for sale" listings.Great stuff there!

Also,I have found the 47 ohm load,in my set-up to be quite good.Another area to experiment with,for you.

The mfgrs suggested tracking force IS correct.Don't stray too much from it,and keep the bottom of the cart. body close to exact parallel,with record,for best results.

If you do go for a Graham,though there are a number of really fine arms to chose from,be SUPREMELY attentive of damping fluid level.This has been a very trying road,for me,and has made me a bit unpopular in these threads for my over the top defense of a "make or break" sound in the Graham 2.2,but it is CRITICAL!

Best of luck!!