Tonearm or headshell for Empire 208

Okay, so I just picked up an Empire 208 on the cheap. Most everything is working, but the tonearm needs work, and the headshell on said tonearm is completely unusable (someone drilled out some plastic and it's in dimensions that are impossible to align).

I basically just need suggestions on where I could find a headshell that's actually made for the Empire tonearm, OR suggestions on tonearms that can mount onto the empire 208 or 308 without extensive modifications (I'll make height adjustments and things like that, but I'm not going to cut out an SME mounting hole).
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Showing 1 response by catama

My 208 came with a custom mounted Rega tonearm. I believe it is a 100 series. Works fine. I can send you a picture of the setup if you want.