Toothbrush's featured in Stereophile

Stereophile April 2009, Sam's Space
Last month is was razors and shaving cream, this month it's a toothbrush.
Quote "I've had more pleasure from my Radius Scuba than I have from any pair of interconnects or speaker cables. End Quote.
Well after reading that I went and bought one and sure enough he was right. It is by far the best toothbrush I have ever owned. (I purchased the regular as opposed to the Scuba)
If Sam does not gain financially from these plugs then I don't see any harm done.
What's your opinion?
Did anyone else buy one or was I the only reader to give it a try.
Since I have "British teeth" (we all know what that means) I do not worry about the brand of toothbrush I own. On the other hand, if I HAD perfect, blindingly whit teeth (Just like the movie stars) I might worry more about the brand of toothbrush I scrub my amazingly dingy looking crooked yellow/brownish teeth with.
And no, I don't desire to trade them in for a set of perfect fake teeth.
next it will be condoms which s like taking a shower with your socks on..........
Unlike the Banksfriend, I am NOT interested in toothbrushes made out of "post consumer recycled materials." It's going in my mouth for heaven's sake! Ewww!

What's next? Recycled latex condoms? Double Ewww!
What's next? Recycled latex condoms?
Don't you know? This is the post consumer recycled material the toothbrushes are made of.