Toothbrush's featured in Stereophile

Stereophile April 2009, Sam's Space
Last month is was razors and shaving cream, this month it's a toothbrush.
Quote "I've had more pleasure from my Radius Scuba than I have from any pair of interconnects or speaker cables. End Quote.
Well after reading that I went and bought one and sure enough he was right. It is by far the best toothbrush I have ever owned. (I purchased the regular as opposed to the Scuba)
If Sam does not gain financially from these plugs then I don't see any harm done.
What's your opinion?
Did anyone else buy one or was I the only reader to give it a try.
Since I have "British teeth" (we all know what that means) I do not worry about the brand of toothbrush I own. On the other hand, if I HAD perfect, blindingly whit teeth (Just like the movie stars) I might worry more about the brand of toothbrush I scrub my amazingly dingy looking crooked yellow/brownish teeth with.
And no, I don't desire to trade them in for a set of perfect fake teeth.
next it will be condoms which s like taking a shower with your socks on..........
Unlike the Banksfriend, I am NOT interested in toothbrushes made out of "post consumer recycled materials." It's going in my mouth for heaven's sake! Ewww!

What's next? Recycled latex condoms? Double Ewww!