Touch up rust spots in black steel speaker stand?


I purchased a pair of Osiris speaker stands for use with a new pair of Merlin TSM monitors.

Considering that these stands haven't been manufactured in over a decade, the ones I got are in amazing shape, but there are some very small rust spots around the base of the vertical pillars, and I'd love to touch them up if I could.

I was thinking of perhaps removing the rust with some fine grit sandpaper, and then repainting with some flat black model enamel.

Anyone else done this sort of touch up job? Any hints?

I used Naval Jelly on some Target stands that had been stored for several years to remove rust.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Stanwal: I went to Lowes to see what they recommended. I looked at Naval Jelly but the packaging said not to use it on painted surfaces.

6550c: I've used the "Sharpie" method, too, for scratches on black metal. Works great, actually. But this is a bit of rust.

Bizango1: The textured spray paint sounds wonderful but I've never worked with spray paint before and I'd be concerned about drip marks. Is that a problem?
No problems with drips as long as you are patient and don't spray the paint on too thick.