Townshend Elite Rock Mk III / Rega RB300 tonearm question

Unpacked this classic from the mid 90's.  I was overseas for many years and had this lovely TT in storage.  Recently unpacked it and am now playing music with it.  The original dealer-installed Benz Glider HO still works/sounds great too

 At that time, these tables were sold with a Townshend-installed Rega RB300 tonearm mounted on Townshend's custom mount which allows for a crude VTA adjustment via a locking thumbwheel.  This table supplies RCA jacks mounted on the rear of the arm mounting board... with wiring from the arm soldered into the RCA plugs.  I recall the USA distributor at the time was in Houston TX and the tables saw their final assembly there for US sales.

Question -- for those that might remember -- was the Rega arm that Townshend installed and sold with these tables stock Rega arms with stock wiring, or was the wiring upgraded prior to installation?  I can't tell from looking at the arm.  Of course since 1983, when the RB300 was introduced, it has become well-known that the factory wiring of the arm is perhaps it's greatest weakness.

I am thinking through, for this table/arm, whether I should pursue a wiring upgrade, or whether the wiring already better-than-stock Rega.

If any seasoned analog lovers can remember, I would be very appreciative!!!

Showing 3 responses by jjss49

thanks! I hv posted pics of the TT and arm/headshell/connecting wire on my virtual system page - have a look - it is fine strand black wire

i will reach out to max t via email -- hopefully he will answer!
thanks for your most helpful reply

is max t is reached through the townshend audio website or FB page?  i was not sure he is still associated with the company ... but will reach out...

and thanks also for the direction towards audiomods... i know rega went to a different arm mounting system after the 90's... so need to make sure these are in fact a 'plug in' on the rock mk3 arm board system
max doesn't answer
tried him through townshend website as well as facebook
crickets   :(