Tube amp with Vienna Acoustics Beethovens?

Hey Everybody,

I currently runn VA Beethovens with a McCormack DNA 125 amp and VTL TL 5.5 preamp with a Rega Planet CDP. I was wondering if anybody is running a tube amp with the Beethovens. I was wanting to give a tube amp a try but only have about $2000.00 to spend. I prefer to buy used. Any suggestions? I live in an a condo so I can't really turn up the sound too much so high SPLs are not a priority. I listen to rock, bluegrass and I am just getting into classical.
the VTL st85 is a very good value Ihave one and it is a nice amp and quite resonable, I would look for the newer version which has the triode option
Here's an Update for tube amps with the Beethovens. I went to a dealer near me that has both VTL and Vienna Acoustics gear for sale. I listend to a VTL st85 and fell in love with the sense of air and the beauty of the mids and highs. The sparkle and liveliness were intoxicating. The bass was pretty muddy and slow though. I don't think I could live with this amp. I'll try the VTL ST 150 next. By the way I listened to a Bryston 3bsst and an Ayre V5x? in the same sitting and just thought they were boring and uninvolving compaired to the VTL, although they did do the bass very well. I've been ruined by one tube amp audition, one that didn't even make the cut!
i used to own the beethovens and it mate it with the kr audio vt 850 with only 22w..the kr have no problem with driving it at all and also mate it with the BAT vk-60..within your budget i would definitely pursue the BAT.
Hey Everybody,

I just received a used VTL ST150 and I am evaluating it right now. My first impressions are generally good. The bass is very good, tight fast and full bodied. This is a definite improvement over the ST 85 that I tried. The midrange doesn't have the same lush bloom that the ST85 did. I guess this is a function of using 6550 instead of el34 power tubes. This being said the midrange is still real pleasing. The high end was a little harsh at first, kind of bright, female vocals had a lot of sibilence. But this seems to be calming down now. I ordered some Mullard CV4024 to change out the input 12AT7s. The ones in there are of unknown origin. I'll post back in a few days after listening over the weekend. As of now I think this is a keeper.