tube integrated amp recommendations?

Hi folks,

I'm looking for an inexpensive (around $1000) tube integrated amp for a second system, and thought I would ask for opinions on what I should be looking at right now. Used is OK to consider for this amp. Here's what I want (I think)...

I would like an amp that I can possibly swap driver tubes in to play with the sound a little. Or maybe one that I can switch from pentode to triode modes. I'd like it to use inexpensive (in the scheme of things) driver tubes so I can try things out (so the 300B or 211 are probably out of the question).

I want a remote control in the unit. I have a Mcintosh MC275 in my main system, so I'm familiar with KT-88 tubes, and wouldn't be adverse to having them in this secondary unit, but there's a lot of other tubes out there to try!

I have a pair of B+W 602's to use on this system (at least for starters). It will be driven mostly be a Sonos and maybe a decent CD player and possibly FM radio. I don't listen to loud music, but I do listen to a wide range of styles, from classical to rock. So, I don't think I need a lot of power in the amp.

So, I'm looking for suggestions on a decent sounding product that has all or most of these things from the list. Maybe more importantly, I'd like to hear about what tubes I should be considering. All input is appreciated.

If I can't seem to find a suitable tube solution, I'll probably get a Audio Decco to run in the system...

Ag insider logo xs@2xmjm6
I also recommend the Cayin A50T ( EL 34's). I own the 55T with the kt88 tubes but the sound/music the A50 makes is more to my taste. I also play around with tubes in my Leben CS600. Maybe you can find a Leben CS300 pre-owned in your price range. The Leben is very special !!
But price-wise the Cayin is the winner. ( better then Primalina if you ask me). Biassing the Cayin is really simple and it also gives you more control over the powertubes. Cayin remote really works great!! That's what I miss on the Leben.
The SQ-88, 55 watt integrated may be worth a look. Remote control of the volume, three inputs. Self bias. Very well put together. More info can be found at Quest for Sound. Fun hunting.
I certainly hope you find what you want. I know you definitely can. Don't rule out KT-88s until you have tried the reissue GEC Gold Lons I am a dyed in the wool EL34 afficianoda who was told by a tube guru that this tube would be just what I want. In fact it is it sounds like a potent EL34. e-mail me, you will be surprized.
I have to echo Grinnell on the PL 2 , it really is a good piece !

I have owned a Cayin 88T . It is nice but the PL will give you a better defined presentation due to more detail and top end extension . It will also give you a better low level sound if you listen in the near field . Where the Cayin outshined the PL was in the lower registers . The PL was a little thin in the mids and did not go quite as low as the Cayin . However , when I rolled the input tubes , the mids filled out nicely and the lows were as deep as the Cayin but more defined . These were compared on my present De Capo i speakers .

I have also auditioned the Cary SLi-80 against the Cayin on VS speakers. I would say that the two had a similar sound with the Cary having better definition/detail . I have often refered to the Cayin as a poormans Cary . The Cayin can be switched from Triode to Ultralinear via the remote whereas the Cary had the switch mounted on the amp itself .

All of the comparings were done using the same equipment with the only changes being the integrateds .

Good luck .
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll look into all of these a bit and see what I can come up with. It looks like there are a bunch of viable options to consider.