Tube rolling suggestions

I purchased a Rogue M150 several months ago (my first tube gear). I would like to try some tube rolling and have a few questions I could use some help with. Which tubes have the greatest affect on the sound of the amp Input, Driver or Output? Any suggestions regarding replacement tubes and their characteristics will be appreciated? The stock tubes in each mono block are all Electro Harmonix, drivers are (2) 12AU7, input is (1) 12 AX7, Output are (4) KT88.
Thanks in Advance

According to Mark O'Brien at Rogue, the input tubes have the greatest effect on the sonic characteristics of the amps.

Having owned the 150's since last August, I've done a lot of experimenting with those tubes. Basically, what I was trying to do was decrease what I considered to be too much "high energy" in my system....the highs were very strident and nerve-wracking.

When I spoke to Mark about his, he recommend RCA 12AX7 long blackplates. I tried a pair and they certainly calmed down that energy. I then wanted to try some 5751 triple mica tubes (vintage variety) and rolled GE's, RCA's and a pair of Raytheon's 2 mica with the windmill getters. They all sounded fine, but I kept returning to the RCA triple mica's which I'm currently using.

It seems as if the Rogues are made for the RCA's....either the 12AX7's or the 5751's. They have very good bass, a detailed mid-range, and best of all, a smooth yet detailed high end. If you decide to try them, I recommend those of late 1950's vintage.

Hope this helps.
You are fortunate that the input tube is the tube that matters most according to J..128 for the Rougue. There are so many option available, I have tried a bunch of 12AX7 tubes each has its own characteristics. I would try as many as you can afford to find the one you like best. I use Telefunkens and Mullards most of the time. The telefunken is very clean sounding while the Mullard is "Polite". The drivers are reportedly very important again there is a plethora of 12AU7s to try and they are relatively inexpensive. I have found it to be fun trying different tubes and I like the variety of sound I can achieve using different tubes. The only problem is that it can become addictive.
I have had a Rogue Amp for a few years, and have done extensive tube rolling. I like the Mullards for the input tubes and I love the winged "C" Svetlana KT88's for the output stage.