TW-Acustic Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza??

Seems like a crazy question!
I am getting a Raven one but will have a choice of the Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza for just $2000 more! Which should I go for? Well I am not sure if Raven one is a good match to this super arm but the 10.5 have got great reviews. Please give soem advice.
Taking about "out of topic", I once asked Dertoarm what tonearm should I get, DaVinci Grandezza or Phantom ? He told me to get Phantom, but I get the Grandezza. Why ? Because it looks so good.

Now the OP asked TW or Grandezza? And Derto choose Grandezza.
Hidden agenda? No, that just his opinion.

Am I right and he is wrong? I don't know , because I haven't try Phantom yet. But I'm grateful to him cause he took time to answer my email.

Dear Measel, you asked me between the Phantom and Grandezza - and made your decision based on looks.
Which is perfectly fine and the Grandezza is a nice tonearm with very aesthetic looks.
I recommended the DaVinci Grandezza here under different conditions and with a different contender.
And I did so based on performance, looks and prospective future value.
Enjoy your Grandezza.
I have listen to the DaVinci on various occasions in 4 set-ups of seasoned audiophiles and Audiogoners.
It was never an insult to my ears ..;-) ....
I have a Grand Grandezza 12" rhodium plated finish in my small collection.
It is not in use, but it sure looks beautiful.
Dear Lbelchev:

Regards and enjoy the music,
Like most things Italian, the Grandezza is simply gorgeous. "Simply" is the operative word, too. I am thankful that it is so expensive that I cannot be tempted to buy one. For 95,000 more US dollars, I can have a used Ferrari.
Lbelchev, I have had the 10.5 for over a year and I am verry happy with it. Still have the a Triplanar VII and took it off my Raven AC several month ago (was running two tonearms).

I have not heard the DaVinci but it was on my short list. They show up used once in a while. I still plan on getting another arm and I will sell the TriPlanar. At this point the DaVinci is no longer on my short list. I think there are other arms that are more interesting to me e.g. the Talea. Plus if the new DaVinci is much more adjustable and becomes loved I have to wonder how the old models will be viewed?

Hope that helps