two way v. three way speakers

I recently heard some magico mini's at a friend's house. They sounded amazing. And they were 'only' a two way speakers, but they filled the room with amazing sound. So now I wonder, what does the additional driver add, especially when it is the same size as the second driver. For example, the SF Olympica III's have two drivers of the same size. I know that third driver adds a lot to the price, but what does it sonically? Thank you all in advance.

Showing 1 response by robsker

Remember too that what you heard that was "amazing" was not the magico speakers alone. You heard the synergy of the source, the CD/DAC or cartridge/tonearm/table, the preamp, the amp, the cables and the room. All are variables and each contribute. What you heard was a system in a specific room that might be different and less amazing in another room... or less amazing (or more amazing) based upon changing the electronics.

The point... the magico speakers you heard could sound wildly less amazing in a different setting (or better). Regarding the question of 2-way vs. 3-way... get the two speakers into your own setting in your own home in a common system and compare the two side-by-side. Any generic comparison between two speakers is not very meaningful and comparison between two types of speakers (2-way vs. 3-way) is even less meaningful.