Ugly vs Gogeous speakers

I know speakers should be all about sound but I can't help responding to the look as well and this presents me with a dilemma.

I have owned B&W Nautilus 803's for many years and love the sound and value (excellent sound for reasonable cost). I would love to upgrade but I (and wife) think that the retro Star Wars R2D2 looking speaker (802) is nothing we would have in our living space.

What do others think the best looking / sounding speaker is? Do looks matter to you?

@mgattmch I've never seen those before very cool and mid-century modern! In a similar vein there is a Scandinavian speaker maker whose name escapes me that makes a speaker in that shape. It has a bit of an Eames chair look to it and is in wood.
I want the best performance for the money.  Looks aren't entirely irrelevant but they're way down the priorities list.  I definitely agree that vandersteen has the right idea with the cloth exterior with just a little bit of wood.  It looks fine but you aren't paying a lot for a fancy finish. 

 Speakers are a very personal thing. You see your speakers even when you are not listening to music.

Sonus Faber considers speakers to be musical instruments. They are designed and voiced to reflect that philosophy. They have that "in the room" sound in spades. They do piano correctly which can be very difficult.

 " I remember a quote from a review of my Elipsa SE speakers. "Some speaker sound one way and other speakers sound another. Sonus Faber speakers just sound like music". I have found this to be very true. I feel no need to ever upgrade.

I urge you to listen to a pair of Sonus Faber speaker. If you have no dealer, search Audiogon by your zip code. See if there is a pair for sale in your area and ask if you can listen to them

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I agree with Shadorne. The Vivid speakers do have a certain organic soft fecal character to their shape. 
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