Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment

Looks like Dertonarm has put his money where his mouth is and designed the ultimate universal alignment tractor.

Early days, It would be great to hear from someone who has used it and compared to Mint, Feikert etc.

Given its high price, it will need to justify its superiority against all others. It does look in another league compared to those other alignemt devices


Showing 11 responses by mesael

Dear Daniel,

Good job. Keep cool, you're a manufacturer now. Remember what they said about better mousetrap ?

Good luck,
Dear Dertoarm, no complain on the pricing, but maybe you can extend the introductory price. I believe that most of the members here are on the state of "wait and see".

Not to undermine Mint LP, I always have a hard time using it. Since my audio room don't have window, and my eye sight not so good, I tried table lamp, flashlight on my mouth, and even head lamp. The 10X peak lupe doesn't help either, with its mirror template, it's very confusing. So Derto Uni protractor might be it.
Totally agree with Thom... it would end up like buying a computer bundled with Microsoft software. Then someone would file antitrust case against the tonearm manufacturer or against the protractor maker...Hey, this is a free world, where nothing is free.
Same 10X peak lupe I'm complaining about in my earlier post. Put it on top of an eraser just like the pix on Mint website. It fell down, rolled and bumped the cantilever. Luckily no serious damage done. Derto supplied magnefying glass seems will do the job.
My, my , this is bad. I think the price will go up. Daniel, promise no price increase for 2nd batch.

Dear Daniel,
I understand, just making a jest on the price. To deviate from an accepted norm really need a lot of courage.

I'll make sure my order will be included in the 2nd batch.
I know you've sold many Davinci in the past. My tonearm is 12" Grandezza and my lps collection are mostly 70s to 90s rock and new wave, and current reissues. What templates should I get?

Dear John,

You said "this force (antiskate) has to increase as the arm approaches the center." How about from the outermost of the lp toward the center? How should the antiskate work for a pivot designed tonearm ?

Apologies to the original poster Downunder, but I think this is the best kept secret in analogue.

Dear Nandric,

Not so fast. I'll show you examples of tonearms.

Anti-skate from outer grooves toward inner grooves:

Constant : Clearaudio Unify, and simple counterweight
with string

Increases: Clearaudio Satisfy, and those using spring, and
most of magnet design

Decreases : Morsiani.
Here's the link :http://www.morsiani.it/

So, which one is correct or none of the above ?

I'll wait for John. He's a designer,and seems knowledgeable.

Dear John,

You didn't answer my question, or might missed it. How should anti-skate work in a pivot designed tonearm ?
From outer groves to inner groves :
1. decreasing
2. increasing
3. decreasing then increasing
Or none of the above.
