Upgrade A/V Receiver or get 5 Ch. Amp

Hello folks!
I’m in a little confusion here. I have Rotel RB-1582 MK II running B&W CM 10 S2s as main and a Marantz A/V receiver running my CM Center 2 S2 and CM 1 S2s for surrounds. I know the power from the Marantz (125w/ ch) isn’t good enough for my centers. I’m thinking to upgrade, but confused on which path to take first. Either get a new receiver, ie. Anthem MRX 520 (100W/ Ch) or get the Anthem MCA 30 or MCA 50 amp to run the center and surrounds. I I plan to get both over the time but for now I’m confused as to which one to get first. Or I may get a processor, AVM 60 rather than the MRX 520 or 720. P.S. I live in a town home and I don’t see myself moving to a single family with a theater room at least in the next 2 years.


Showing 5 responses by badaga

I agree with you and I want to go with the Anthem, but my question is which should I choose first:
MRX 520 for now (since it’s a living room setup in a town home)? If yes, then is the power enough to drive my CM Center 2 S2 (30-200W recommended) in par with the L/R since they have their own separate amp-200W/ ch?
Also to consider - I’m planning to get a HDR TV later this year so I need a HDR capable receiver. So leaning more towards the 520. As long as I hear the L, R and C will be in sync with the 520 I’m all up for it.

720 is the ideal but just trying to save some $$ so I can get a separate 3 or 5 channel amp later. 520 is 100/ ch vs. 125/ ch on the 720. I’m not sure how much I’ll get when only driving 3 speakers in each.
My bad. 125W/ ch is good enough for my center but I was thinking to upgrade to a better receiver on a whole, esp. the ARC might help me with the living room setup.
so I assume a 100W/ ch is good enough too for the center, if I go the MRX 520 route?