Upgrading Bluesound Vault 2 Power Cable

I am just getting into this high end audio, so please excuse any ignorant questions.  I have the Bluesound Vault 2, streaming HI-Def Tidal into an YBA amp/preamp.  I also just purchased (received yesterday) from Audiogon a Shunyata Research Hydra 8 V.2 Conditioner.   First questions, should I upgrade the Bluesound power cable (I think it is called a C-7). And second (probably a little late to ask the question), but do you think the power conditioner will help improve the sound.  I think it sounds great, but I do not have anything to compare it to.

My goal is to continue to upgrade my system as funds become available.  All advice is greatly appreciated.
I am going to take the plunge on an upgraded cable. I am either following the recommendation of Pangea or Cullen. The Cullen (for sale on Audiogone)  cable is more, but seems to be of great quality. Anyone using the Cullen cables?