Upgrading from Onkyo 875 to separates-worth it?

Thinking of upgrading my one year old 875 to a used Integra 9.8 processor and a multichannel amp. Also considering using the 875 as the processor and going with a multichannel amp. Any experience from anyone going with either of those routes? The 9.8s are dropping below $1k used which looks attractive. Would like to hear from anyone going from an 875 to any other processor as well.
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Showing 1 response by iplaynaked

"I don't like burning all those watts in the amps for nothing and it is not sensible ecologically"

FTR, in case anyone else is wondering here, when you run a receiver without hooking into the amp section with your speakers, you are not running a load off your amps in the receiver! Unless you have a load (resistance) in the circuit using the speaker connections, they are not producing power consumption, as you are assuming here. So, you're not burning up the ecosystem so much faster, and wasting power, as you're presuming here. Yes, there's power being consumed to power the receiver, run the processing, preamp, and such, but not nearly as much power is being used as when you use the amps in the receiver. FYI.
I'm pretty sure that's right anyway. Maybe someone with differing opinion can weigh in if they know otherwise. But I'm pretty certain that's about right.