Upgrading woofers in a/d/s L2030, need help

Hi folks, I have a pair of a/d/s L2030 speakers which have two 14" woofers in sealed enclosures. I am unaware of how many cu ft each driver is exposed to.
The drivers have a hexagonal shape.

I have owned a pair of infinity irs beta's in the past and loved the bass response. I am driving a bi-amp setup with one adcom 555 for the woofers both sides.

I am not getting enough bass out of the speakers, but I love the mids and highs, so I was thinking of upgrading the drivers.

I would create a plate out of metal to match the hexagonal shape of the original drivers, and then cut out an appropriate mounting circle.
I could get away with 13" or more standard 12" drivers.

As tacky as it seems, I may select a car audio driver that works well with sealed enclosures of various sizes. I had one of the 14" drivers replaced, and when it was out I noticed how puny the magnet was. And how today's voice coil structures and magnets seem infinitly larger.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Showing 1 response by jimjenjr

Ed_sawyer is correct in his assessment and it is truly not prudent to modify unless the experimentation can be done so that the mods can be removed and the speaker restored to original.

Why not experiment by adding a sub-woofer to meet your bass requirements.