Upsampling DACS: Take the Pepsi Challenge

HAs anyone used 2 of the following 3 relatively inexpensive upsampling DACs: Perpetual technologies, Bel Canto, MSB Link 3 with upsampling upgrade?? I am trying to sort out the details of the new technologies. The Perp Tech can "interpolate", while the others do not. I am under the impression that the "24 bit" part of this new technology has to do with s/n ratios aroung 140 db, which is great, but a little useless considering the other equipment in the system. The sampling freq is the part that has me all aflutter, because it seems to be getting closer to analog quality "infinite sampling" if you will... What do you think? Has anyone compared these dacs?? Thanks, gang.
My thanks to Kevin Halverson at MUSE for posting his explanation of up and over sampling-- I just read and copied it-- it's great. And I agree with Treyhoss' post above-- it caps this confusing issue nicely. Thanks. Craig.
You guys are unbelievable. Carl, take a pill, or two. How can a topic such as this get so many people so worked up? Really, who gives a flyin' f**k about upsampling DACS unless you're selling them ? CHILL!!!!!!!!
Was anyone else out there forced to read the "Transactions of the Royal Academy" between Newton, Huygens and Hook over the refraction of light? Once you got past all the s's looking like f's it's a pretty hilarious account of the science, a la Newton, vs. the B.S. from Hook, and thirty years later, I think Linus, with his "homonculus", the little guy that bends the light. Anyway, this thread reminded me of that, it only remains to assort the cast of characters. A little knowledge is truly a dangerous thing and apparently breeds bad manners. Of course that didn't keep me from splitting my sides.