Used MMG's

I'm thinking about buyin a used pair of MMG's. It looks like I could get a good condition pair in the $400-450 range. Since they are so inexpensive from the factory and have the return policy, would I be better off just buying a new pair? Thoughts?
Is there anything I should look out for if I buy used?
Thanks guys.

Showing 2 responses by jdoris

Like many people here, I'm a huge believer in used gear, but given the deal on the MMGs from the factory, I'd definitely do that instead, unless you must have the MMGs, and cannot possibly do it unless you go used.

Even with the best of intentions, there's way more potential for hassles with a private transaction. The return policy if you go new is also huge; Maggies, like any speaker, are not to everyone's taste, and may not work in your room.

Btw, I'd not regard the used price range you mention, at a discount of 25% to 33% off for a readily available item, as reflecting a great value. I don't know about the MMGs in particular, but used speakers are often discounted rather more.

A fairly unusual case of robust and uniform consensus on the Gon. New it is! ;)
