using hokey pucks for isolating speakers from the

I have a pair of gershmann RX 20,s and I would like to isolate them from the wood floor .
I was thinking if using hockey pucks as isolation device . They are thick very hard and very cheap.

I am however is not an acustics expert so I would like to know if anybody tried that method or have any opinions on a theoretical basis.

Any input is appreciated
Thats what I use under my 100+ lb speakers over a well built suspended hard wood floor and they work quite well. FWIW I don't buy into the theory regarding vibration draining as it might apply to speakers and I find that with heavy speakers they are as well coupled (yet isolated) with hockey pucks as any other materiel. I don't like soft rubber as you might get speaker movement from airborne vibrations from the speakers' bass drivers, and I subjectively feel that coupling with cones can facilitate the passing of vibrations from the floor into the speaker causing movement of the box, or perhaps even increasing an extant resonance in the speaker box itself. JMHO.
Just try it for yourself and compare it with other products on the market, then make your own call. Different people have different requirement and different value system and different hearing capability.

Many people tend to find just one article that support their idea and will think that is the bible.
you got that right Tarsando.we need all the pucks at the rink!!!! Pat from you know where.