Vandersteen 5A's...about to take the plunge

I've been at my dealer for the past couple of weeks auditioning the Vandersteen 5A's and I must say this is one great speaker.

This is the final piece to a new system that I'm putting together. It will include an Audio Research Ref3 and CD7 ( I'm still awaiting delivery on the CD7, it should come next week) along with a Pass Labs X350.5 amp.

In another system that I have i currently own Revel Salons with ML 436's. IMO the 5A's sound better, they totally disappear.

I talked it over with my wife tonigt and she gave me the greenlight to purchase them!!!

I think I'm going to go with the Rosewood gloss finish.
I would like to ask a favor of the other 5A owners on the GON...I want to make sure I'm going with the right finish...If possible can you guys send me pics of your speakers so I can checkout the finishes? please

I'm really looking forward to the 5A's.


Hey Jon, Qdrone makes a good point. Maybe your Mrs. can talk to mine and convince her to let me by a pair as well?
Zargaon, I will send you pics as soon as they arrive. probably in a couple of weeks. I cant wait...Audio Research is shipping the CD7 on Dec 13th.
Jon, when you get them, send me back a picture. I'd be interested in how different or alike the grain is.
I got black figured they would match anything and it makes the speaker look small. I find the funney thing is that the hardest part of making my speaker decision after listening to many brands was what color to get the Vandersteen 5 in.
I ordered the Ebony ones...hopefully they will be here in 3 weeks.

thanks for all of the pictures!
You are making a great decision, as the V5A is fabulous. Mine are in Ebony, probably the most unusual and elegant finish. It feathers from black to light brown to back again, and no two patterns are alike. The detail in the wood grain is incredible. I'll send a picture.
As Ben Stiller's salesman character in Starsky ans Hutch would say, "Do it! Do it!".
I own the cherry finish ( a $700 upcharge) and think they look quite appealing. I did see what I believe ( I am 90 % sure) to be the high gloss rosewood at Audio connection and they are breathtaking IMO. They are definitely worth the cabbage if you can do it. Check out connect. com, they have pictures of their 5A room on their website. I would love to hear your results , please keep us posted. The speaker does a dissappearing that would have put Houdini out of business.
Great choice!! You will love this speaker long term. I'll send you pictures of my high gloss birds eye maple finish. Congratulations!