Variations in how your system sounds?

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.
My system sounds consistently good to my ears for the majority of listening sessions but every now and again (say 1 in 20) it sounds slightly 'off' -- not its usual self. It is a very small difference but i do hear it. I would describe it as a slight lack of focus and dynamics. This has happened through many changes of all components.
Is it my mood, or hearing variation? Do i need to filter my power? Do you have similar experiences?
10-13-11: Bdgregory
... Also, have you ever noticed how if you leave on vacation for a while, how sweet your system sounds on return?
This one I can certainly relate to and seem to experience every vacation. Good to know I'm not alone...
I have wondered if the eardrums can be affected by the hot water of a recent shower. Can components of the ear soften or change characteristic and take time to recover to optimum? It would seem possible, if humidity has a proven effect. Thanks for the interesting feedback so far.
I've used that ear wax removal stuff (ear drops then you douche with water) for years (musician) and it is kinda amazing, and for me completely necessary.
If one cleans their records one would hope that one would also clean ones ears in order to hear better as well as for hygiene reasons, right? It can and does make a difference.

Now to start the marketing campaign for "Earcleaners for Audiophiles"...... :-)