Velodyne DD Plus 10 owners Which Subsonic Slope

Just purchased a Velodyne DD+ 10 and I'm absolutely loving this sub - so impressed with it that I don't quite know where the limits are.

I'm guessing some would tell me in response "don't fix it, if it ain't broke" but since I'm curious as to what else I might be missing, has anyone lowered the subsonic slope setting of 24dB/octave slope (at 15Hz) to a lower setting?

Velodyne advises only lowering it for intermittent use, but I'm curious as to what owners have done. I'm only using it at a volume level of "16" btw, so I'm not sure if that means I have headroom to play with more extreme frequencies or not... and I don't want to blow anything either obviously

Showing 1 response by martykl

I don't know the DD10+, so I'm just speculating here.

I assume that you're talking about Cinema use. I'm not sure if any music recordings have info that low, and if any do - it's not many and it's not much. So, for music use, lowering the frequency would only allowed the wrong signals to pass; turntable rumble, failure of the source unit, etc. It's just a bad idea, IMO.

For home cinema, defeating the sub sonic filter might well alter the impact of an exploding bus, but I doubt it's going to be a big deal. Given the model designation, I assume that your sub has a 10" driver. Asking for output that low from a smallish driver just seems like a bad idea.

I'd pass (please pardon the "low pass" pun).