Vintage Sonus Faber vs New Scansonic

Looking for a new pair of speakers for my main system, deciding between monitors and floorstanders though monitors would prob work better,  I'd love a pair of Raidhos but they're out of my price range and have heard really good things about the Scansonics (Raidhos younger sib).  I was also considering a couple of the Sonus Fabers, notably the Cremona and the Olympica.

My question is while the reviews on the Cremonas are good they are dated (8-12 years depending upon whether it's the M version or not) and driver technology has advanced a lot since then.  It will be hard for me to hear them against each other and wondered what the opinions are on new technology Scansonics or older technology Sonus Faber?  Obviously the Olympica is current model and is probably better than the comprable Scansonics though more $$$.

Thanks for any insights.

Showing 1 response by daveyf

My SF Guarneri Homage's are still able to put a smile on most a'philes
faces. The driver technology is still IMHO very competitive with the best available. The silk dome technology is now used in the top-of-the-line Wilson's. One thing that I think too many a'philes believe, is that the latest is always the greatest......Too bad that is not always the case!