Vinyl System Upgrade Path Recommendations

Hey gang! New to the forum but I’ve been really enjoying reading through old threads. I would be interested in the community’s thoughts on a natural upgrade path for my system.

Current System:

  • Pioneer PL-530 w/ Audio Technica AT 13 Ea
  • Apt Holman Preamplifier
  • Eico ST-70 (using as a power amp, line in)
  • Totem Arros

I listen to a wide variety of genres but with an emphasis on jazz and more recently classical. Overall the system performs well. I’m getting a good warmth for my taste and decent detail.

Moving forward I’d like to pull a little more clarity and separation out, but not create a clinical reproduction. I do dig the warmer sound. I’m also interested in trying to reduce background noise and pops/clicks. I’m already big on cleaning my LPs which has helped a ton, but I’m curious where to invest next.

I’ve also started listing more on headphones (Schiit Jotunheim + Hifiman HE400i) where I notice even more background noise.

So what do think? Better stylus / cartridge? Different TT? Alternative phono stage? Cables… ?

I try to be conservative with my spend (everything I own was purchased used), but I’m not afraid to shell out where appropriate.

Any suggestions? Thanks!


Showing 1 response by sleepwalker65

The Audio-Technica VM540ML at around $240 made a world of difference with my vintage Technics SL-1700mk2 that I recently restored. The micro-line contact nude mount stylus has class-leading wear rating that doubles most elliptical profiles, while bringing the music to life on a whole new level.