Von Schweikert VR-1 & VRS-1 or VR-2?

Has anyone been able to hear the VR-1s with the VRS-1 sub?
The cost of this combination, minus stands, is the same as a set of VR-2s. Both speakers get rave reviews, but I'm curious as to what your opinions are. I have plenty of amplification for the VR-2s so power requirements aren't a consideration.
I've listened to both (VR-1's with and without sub & VR-2's without sub but with and without 5 kg of sand fill) and did choose the VR-1 with VRS-1 sub. Main reason (as stated here before) was my lack of sufficient breathing room for the VR-2's.
BUT I don't agree with the statement above that the VR-1's have a less holographic image. When placed 1.5 m into the room, I did found the 3D placement of instruments even better then for the VR-2's! But at this distance the lack of mid-bas warmth below 60-70 hz was obvious (even on Super Dreadnaught speaker stands). While the VRS-1 did add some warmth to the sound, using only one VRS-1 sub with a high cross-over setting isn't ideal for integrating the mid-bass.

So, the choise at this price point still boils down to room dimensions and placing space, but don't underestimate the
VR-1 'virtual reality' competence!
i have both n love them so much that i would never sell them, i even compare the vr2 to wilsons wattpuppys 6 n i liked the vr2 better, the wilsons played louder but had a dry sound n flat sound stage, , consider how expensive they are i expected they would blow away the vr2s but they didn't. go figure,
You revive a 10 year old thread for this? Seriously?

But as long as you did.......

The VR2 is an average speaker at best. I had a pair once upon a time, but not for long.

I tried them in 2009 and sold them 2 months later. I have a friends VR 2s here now as he moved up to VR 33s. I also have Vandersteen 2CEs. As much as I want the VR2s to win over the Vandersteens it is not happening The Vandersteens have a bigger more open sound and the bass is more realistic. The height of the stage is much taller on the Vandersteens. I am not giving up yet but not looking good.