Vpi vs. TW Acustic

My analog rig consists of a VPI Aries I, Triplanar, and Benz LP. My SoCal dealer suggests the Grand Prix Monaco TT should be my next move. However I don't have that kind of moola lying around and just try finding a used one. It ain't happening. So, would the TW Raven One be a big improvement over the the Aries or too much of a sideways move? And without the opportunity to audition, too risky?

The Hovland is outstanding. In my opinion you're going to have to spend alot to get significantly better.


Good luck with your analog therapy! If you can, you should perhaps audition some phono preamps while you are at your dealer. You'll be surprised at how different the same analog setup can sound with various phono preamps.
Isanchez and others, thanks for your suggestions. I have not decided on any table yet. I welcome opinions on any table that may come into play. BTW my preamp is a Hovland hp100 w/ MC... I think I may pay Brooks a visit today for some free analog therapy!

If after adding the Triplanar there is still something missing, you should perhaps look into the phono preamp.

In many analog setups, the phono stage can make a huge difference. I think it'll help to mention what phono preamp you're currently using.

After having the EAR 324 for about 1 1/2 years, I recently added the Einstein Turntable's Choice phono preamp (single ended) and it made a huge improvement over the 324.

I upgraded from a VPI Scoutmaster with 9Sig arm to a TW Acustic Raven One with a Graham Phantom.
Yes it's a major upgrade that offers BOTH the HiFi goodies and more importantly, the musically significant upgrades as well. Check out Wayne Garcia's write-up of the Raven One in the current issue of TAS.
He pretty much nails the sound and value of the Raven One.
As a bonus, Jeff at Highwater Sound is a great guy to deal with and will guide you properly.

If the VPI Classic is as good as the hype it may be a significant but affordable upgrade to the Aries. The last time I talked with Brooks he still had not received one from Harry due to some manufacturing issues with the platter. I'm not even in the market but would like to hear it.

I have had many turntables i now have RAVEN AC1 heard TW RAVEN 1 A GREAT very musical table !!!
Wendell, I agree. Just trying to get much better sound, speed, and noise control that you get with the GP. The Aries is a good table but since I recently acquired the Triplanar I feel the table is somewhat of a weak link. Brooks has often told me that its too bad that GP does not make a cheaper table. Its a little frustrating that some great tables such as TW, Galibier, and others are not readily accessible for auditioning.
No brick and mortar dealer can sell every line. The honest ones, such as Brooks, will tell you if they've never heard something that's of interest. He can only recommend what he sells and knows. Makes sense to me.

Can you articulate what you feel you are missing with your current setup. What does the Aries do or not do that you find deficient?

How about a used SME 10? It too is built to last a lifetime and at around $4K used, a very good value. It is a solid, quiet and stable platform for any number of arm/cartridge combos though I have only heard an SME arm on mine. There is also no fuss. Once set up, it stays that way.
If you want a small footprint, the One is the one to go for, excuse the pun. Thomas says the One gives 95% of the performance of the AC at ? less than half price. Mine is the last table I will ever need. It is built to last a lifetime.
Hifi Gary,

I meant you should try and listen to the TW Raven table. I was not telling you to buy another VPI. I understand where you are coming from.

It seems that you're pretty set on the TW Raven One. It looks to me that most Raven owners have made the purchase without auditioning the table and they're very satisfied with it. If you don't want take the risk, there are currently two TW Acustic tables for sale here in Audiogon, one Raven One and one AC.

You haven't said what you don't like about your analog setup.
Taters, no offense but Brooks, whom I have known for a long time, also had nothing much to say about the Galibier line because at the time I mentioned it he had never heard of it... As for another VPI table?...no thanks.
Hifi Gary,

I have the same table as you minus the triplanar. I have heard the table in question and I personally would not buy it. I asked Brooks about the TW Raven and he didn't have much to say about it. I would suggest finding someone that has the table and listen to it.

In case you're still interested in a VPI, check out TAS (June/July issue) review of the new VPI Classic Turntable. HP says that this is the best VPI's system yet, including those with rim drives. He goes on to even to say that it holds its own against the Clearaudio Statement ($150,000) turntable. There is also in the review some good explanations of the technologies behind the new design.


Taters:...Shhhhhhh.....he may find out about my "infidelity". Seriously, in his opinion to make a huge improvement its the GP Monaco or nothing , or at least nothing else he carries. I'm looking for something with greater speed control, better belt , a smaller footprint (my Aries with flywheel motor is 26 in wide)and of course better sound at a manageable price.
Member Madfloyd did just do what you are considering. His rig is not yet set up but you may want to contact him.
I bought the TW Raven AC unheard.It was the wisest move I have done.I am ready to upgrade to their new flagship,the BLACK NIGHT.I will sell mine asap because I trust Thomas Woschnick for his achievements