Waaaah. Snapped off my cantilever.

Today I bumped the needle of my Dynavector XX-2 MkII, it's a big bucks cartridge for me, I've only had it about six months, and 2 of those months I couldn't use it because my pre-amp was in for re-tubing.

Makes me understand why some stick with CD's/Downloads and solid state equipment.

Looks like Soundsmith is the way to go to repair it, but please do chime in if you have any other recommendations. Thanks.
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Showing 2 responses by diggory

Rodman99999, the Dynavector has a boron cantilever. The Soundsmith ruby cantilever is not an upgrade at all as boron is a far better material to use, which is why for a retip (rather than a broken cantilever) the Soundmsith option of a straight stylus only replacement is the best option when your cartridge has a boron cantilever.
Rodman99999. Oh yes, i've heard plentiful ruby cantilevered cartridges, both stock ruby omn Ortofon cartridges and Soundsmith ruby on repaired cartridges of various makes . Ruby is a lovely material for a cantilever but boron is better especially when it comes to the very fine detail retrieval due to its extra stiffness and significant lightness. The Soundsmith ruby cantilever is a worthwhile upgrade if your cartridge originally had an aluminium cantilever but it would be a retrograde move for a boron cantilevered cartridge.

Why do you believe ruby is an upgrade on boron? You use the term 'much upgraded' so i am interested in your response and to what cartridges you've compared where you have moved from a boron cantilever to a ruby one.