Waaaah. Snapped off my cantilever.

Today I bumped the needle of my Dynavector XX-2 MkII, it's a big bucks cartridge for me, I've only had it about six months, and 2 of those months I couldn't use it because my pre-amp was in for re-tubing.

Makes me understand why some stick with CD's/Downloads and solid state equipment.

Looks like Soundsmith is the way to go to repair it, but please do chime in if you have any other recommendations. Thanks.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdarkj

Showing 4 responses by rauliruegas

Dear Darkj: I think that your cartridge is first step down the XV-1s so it is not an unexpensive cartridge.

If you send it to a " universal " re-tipper " you will receive a different cartridge with a different quality performance level that almost always is only different but not better one. IMHO there is no single reason for a cartridge coming from a re-tipper can sound better only because a different cantilever or stylus shape or what ever, a cartridge is more than cantilever/stylus shape. Let me explain:

With top and expensive cartridges every single part of the cartridge design was choosed to achieve the cartridge designer targets. Normally all those manufacturer cartridge parts are sourced especially only for that cartridge manufacturer ( in this case: Dynavector. ) and no re-tipper ( any ) can put his hands on any single of those valued cartridge building parts that are exclusively for Dynavector.

In the other side the re-tipper does not know each one single " reason " why the designer made the cartridge design in that way, not even know the real " hidding " manufacturer designer targets in that cartridge design. Only the cartridge manufacturer can fine tune the cartridge suspension according those targets.

Additional when you send the cartridge to the manufacturer what you received is a totally new sample with all the manyfacturer up dates on it, up dates that several times the manufacturer never speaks on them. So, probably you will receive from the manufacturer a better cartridge than the one you own. This can't happen through a re-tipper.

I use re-tipper for vintage cartridges or today non top of the line ones.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Darkj: I think that your cartridge is first step down the XV-1s so it is not an unexpensive cartridge.

If you send it to a " universal " re-tipper " you will receive a different cartridge with a different quality performance level that almost always is only different but not better one. IMHO there is no single reason for a cartridge coming from a re-tipper can sound better only because a different cantilever or stylus shape or what ever, a cartridge is more than cantilever/stylus shape. Let me explain:

With top and expensive cartridges every single part of the cartridge design was choosed to achieve the cartridge designer targets. Normally all those manufacturer cartridge parts are sourced especially only for that cartridge manufacturer ( in this case: Dynavector. ) and no re-tipper ( any ) can put his hands on any single of those valued cartridge building parts that are exclusively for Dynavector.

In the other side the re-tipper does not know each one single " reason " why the designer made the cartridge design in that way, not even know the real " hidding " manufacturer designer targets in that cartridge design. Only the cartridge manufacturer can fine tune the cartridge suspension according those targets.

Additional when you send the cartridge to the manufacturer what you received is a totally new sample with all the manyfacturer up dates on it, up dates that several times the manufacturer never speaks on them. So, probably you will receive from the manufacturer a better cartridge than the one you own. This can't happen through a re-tipper.

I use re-tipper for vintage cartridges or today non top of the line ones.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Rodman99999: cartridge cantilever and cantilever build material is only a single part of the cartridge design, important yes but certainly not the one that makes the difference. A cartridge design is the sum of its parts where and through those parts and fine tunning it the designer works to achieve the quality performce targets and only the cartridge designer knows exactly why boron or why ruby or why aluminum. All is about design targets.

Now, it is not only the cantilever build material important but the cantilever shape/length/rod or tube/thikness of cantilever walls and the like.

In the other side the cantilever does not transmit music but only movements that the trasducer convert in " music ". Even IMHO the stylus as a whole is more important than the cantilever along the kind of cartridge suspension because that gives the abilitie or not to track the grooves accurately. Yes, the cantilever is important but maybe not in the way you are looking at.

A re-tipped cartridge that was not re-tipped by the cartridge manufacturer is a different cartridge and not a better one because the cantilever build material.

A universal retipper does not rebuild the whole cartridge with a retipper quality performance targets, he only change cantilever/stylus and suspension adjustments and at random left the cartridge quality performance.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Even I can assure that the universal re-tipped cartridge specs are different from the original one.
