WADIA / dCS / AA Capitole - the ultimate CD ??? .


The question is: what is the current ultimate digital front end?

We have Wadia 861 and 270/27ix combo. Very engaging, full & dynamic sound. Some sceptics say it is a bit "upfront" and probably "overblown in mid/upper bass region", more than it should be compared with live music. Not bad, of course, but still not delicate and sophisticated enough, that is. And maybe slightly "grainy", isn't it(?) .

We have the excellent dCS digital gear. Very detailed, with perfect space recreation and untamed dynamics. Some think it is a bit "cold" and "mechanical", though.

O.k. - so we have the Audio Aero Capitole! The new "king of the hill". Analog sounding and very seductive. But there is also a considerable drawback to it... Dynamics and bass weight could well be questioned.

What is your experince with these three units?
Have you, by chance, heard them all?
What would you choose as your ultimate CD source for the years to come..?
Of course I'm just touting my own gear:
Some would say that the GamuT CD-1 deserves to be considered on this list. I'm sure it would have a lower MFD factor than the Wadia, but it is remarkably musical, and doesn't make any sacrifices to the tube gods a la the Capitole.
i've had the Meitner emmlabs DAC6 and modified Philips SACD 1000 for the last 4 months. it replaced the 24-bit Linn CD-12 and the Marantz SA-1 in my system. i have heard all the digital sources mentioned in this thread either in my room or at CES.

the Meitner easily betters them all in redbook (including the Linn CD-12) and sacd.....and it is not close. what is amazing is that the Meitner actually does many things much closer to vinyl than i previously thought possible (on both redbook and sacd). vinyl (in my system) is still much better but for the first time digital is competing for my listening time and not just a less-complicated but inferior alternative.
As per my post at Mike's system, he is right: As far as I've heard (and I've heard most of players mentioned here at one time or another), the EMM Labs is the most real- and compelling-sounding digital I've heard.