
Responses from cyounkman

Digital as good or better than YOUR analog?
My system may not be a fair comparison, but I prefer digital in most respects. However, my analog rig (VPI HW-19 Jr./RB300) is not really up to my digital source (GamuT CD-1S). 
EMC-1UP/Modwright Sony 999ES Dilemma
I would always go with the better, even if it seems to be a small difference now. A number of players were seemingly 'almost as good' as the GamuT that I kept, but in digital, differences are always fairly small; and listening for differences rare... 
Wadia 861 vs. Gamut CD1r vs Sonic Frontiers T3/P3
I had the opportunity to compare the GamuT to the Wadia 830 before buying. With the Wadia, I foudn myself thinking about the detail, resolution and soundtaging; with the GamuT I found myself pulled into the music at an emotional level. Critical li... 
The best CD Player for the money
Dragon:for what it's worth, the original poster here (jazze22) hasn't posted since January '01, and tended to type in all caps all the time anyway. 
Review: ART SLA-1 Amplifier
Does anyone have experience modding this thing DIY? I'm interested in cheap low-power amps, but I can't deal with shrillness in my setup.Email me if you have on-line reference material. 
high sensitivity speaker for low power tube amp
If you end up getting Reference 3A's, come over to the new r3a owners forum for some advice on system matching, web resources, latest reviews, etc. 
Best small speaker
The Reference 3A Owners Circle is now active at Please stop by and compare experiences with system matching, tweaking, and generally getting the best out of these remarkable little boxes. 
Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's
The Reference 3A Owners Circle is now active at Please stop by and compare experiences with system matching, tweaking, and generally getting the best out of these remarkable little boxes. 
Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's
Stuart:Good luck with the sli-80. Looks like it should be a good match. We'd love to hear what you think. Remember to upgrade the power cord...Chris 
Genesis Technologies report on black CDR's
I was recently made aware of this paper. I have aquired a copy of EAC and a few Memorex black CDR's. I will pot my results here.My primary interest is in making fubar/scratched cdr's readable in my farily picky GamuT CD-1. If this turns out to be ... 
Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's
Kwl,One of the problems with the De Capos (if you can call it a problem) is that they seem to me to be a lot more revealing of upstream equipment than other speakers in the price class. As a result, the necessary sonic compromises in commonly well... 
Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's
Kwl/everyone:I'm trying to create an owner's forum for Ref3A products over on audio circle. It would be a great pool of resources for someone with this kind of question; with access to a lot of owners, and archives of their experiences with amps a... 
Krell SACD standard
Of course it will play redbook. I don't think it's available yet. I know my recently-converted-to-SACD dealer is just waiting to get his hands on it (to prove once and for all that Krell is the best marque in the history of the universe). 
Quality Redbook CDP - Your Advice Needed Please
Ben: You're right. It is boring when members constantly endorse and re-endorse their own choices. With that said: Get a GamuT CD-1 like I did! Its relaxed, detailed musicality would be particularly suited for a headphone system. The CD-1 is ALL ab... 
Dan Wright "Absolute Truth" mod for SCD-1 / 777es
I did a lot of thinking about this modding business, as an alternative to an expensive one-box player. Once I found my current GamuT CD-1, all bets were off. New formats, for me, would just be a waste of time and money. Until the new music I want ...