Walker Audio Silver jumper vs Nordost Norse jumper

Hello everyone,
My first post here. Did anyone compare these two jumpers?
Just recently I went from Nordost Flatline Gold MK III to Reference 3A speaker cable, completing the task of making all of my cables Reference 3A.
Reference 3A sounds more extended (better lows, more noticeable in highs) and it did firm up the sound across the spectrum. Better definition can be due to higher speed but also the synergy with the rest of the cables, especially with my speakers - Reference 3A Veena.
Your insight is much appreciated!

Showing 1 response by mountainsong

After look at your opinion I unpack my AZ satori jumpers for my speakers and I used with my luxman class A plus the AZ hologram II speaker cables to the harbeth compact 7es3 and all I can say is wowwwww!!!!
You made me realized that the perfection is a subjective illusion but audio nirvana after you invest in hi end is about little tricks like this.
I can't thank you enough, they sound even better than the Jena labs latest edition I already purchased I guess is the synergy jumpers-cables.