Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black

My first post here on the forums and I needed an honest opinion. I have a cheap music hall mmf 2.2 turntable with 2m blue installed. I like the sound but was wondering if I can get better details from upgrading to a black cartridge on my basic turntable. Would it be worth it? I’m definitely an analog lover but am budget constrained. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by chrisoshea


A cost effective, simple upgrade would be to go with the 2M Bronze stylus on your current 2M body....The 2M Bronze is not as picky as far as setup as the 2M Black and much lower price for the stylus. I would second the idea of NOT ever buying a used cartridge/stylus unless you know the seller well. And Yes....as stated many times here and on AnalogPlanet.com, the Red/Blue bodies are the same and Bronze/Black is different internally and the body is made of a different less resonate hybrid material than the Red/Blue...BUT any of the 2M series stylus will fit any 2M series body. Next I'd consider a different phono stage.